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There's something I've been willing to try out since a long while~ Hope you guys like it!

1.: Original version
2.: Version using the app Flowframes to interpolate the gif in order to increase it's framerate

Edit1.: added some few frames, edited a few others.:
3.: original version
4.: version with Flowframes

mp4 version (1): https://1drv.ms/v/s!AnF2Jy--GtW9gbF5HYpxS010P-g9hQ?e=oM5oTA
mp4 version (2): https://1drv.ms/v/s!AnF2Jy--GtW9gbF6jcxg03BgW0tQHA?e=j3egLn

And their respective mp4 versions.

Actually I have almost no experience with 2d animation, but maybe I can search more about it and try to study to make more nice animations in the future ^^




That looks SO good! That's a fantastic animation!