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Something that should have happened since a long time ago is finally happening! ;D Me and Khael together having a good time with you guys! ;D Don't miss this unique chance to join us~ ;)

I'm wondering about posting this YCH for the upcoming vore day! (08/08) (not sure if I'll finish it in time tho xD) But first I'd like to check how many of you here on patreon would be interested and which spot you would like most to be~ (belly, mouth, bulge, or any other place there's no micro yet). The price I'm thinking this time will be fixed at:

(ONLY BLUE SLOTS, all the pink ones are reserved, but you can suggest other spots!)
* 45€ if you want to be in the main panel; (numbers 1~10)
* 70€ if you want to be in the maw panel with more details (numbers 11~14)

*The panels are NOT necessarily a follow up!
*The full pic will have 5525 x 6900 pixels so it will have lots of details;
*I WON'T offer solo versions this time;
*The quality will be like my full rendered pics;
*If you are interested in claiming one slot, comment bellow that you are interested and choose at least 3 or more favorite numbers in order of preference, the slots will be decided randomly between the people that choose that specific slot! But remember it WON'T be first come first serve.
*Remember that the slots are not limited to the numbers! You can suggest a new spots and ideas! (Example: I'd like to be on yours other nipple, I'd like to be on Khael's pit)
*it will be available for the next 3~7 days depending on the number of interested  people (my limit will be around 16~20 persons), and then, after closing it, I'm gonna reply to your comments here saying the slot you got and send the invoice via PayPal up to one/two days after closing it.

EDIT.: Due the high demand of interested people I increased the number of available slots to try to include all of you ^^That said, there's new version with new slots added with GREEN color
link for the form:

If there's any question, please, leave on the comments ^^

Either way, thank you very much for your support in advance and hope you like it! ;D




Ooh, I'd love 14, 13, or 12! <3


I won't be accepting more entries for now! Thanks so far for everyone that was interested! <3 up to 1~2 days I'll enter in contact with everyone!


Sooo, if you are still interested, just fill this form: https://forms.gle/1GJ34bnent4dEeiF8 You got the slot 15 in the updated version. Or you can also enter in contact with me <3