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Hey guys, hope you are doing well! ^^ first thing, I'd like to thank you all again for the support you give me! It really means a lot for me and I'm very grateful!

But so, the last few weeks I've been dealing with some personal issues, both in my life in Germany and with my family in Brazil. Long story short I got a last minute flight ticket to get back to my home the fastest I could to give some some support to my family here... But so, in order to help me with the expenses I had I'll be opening comms this week, but only for sketches and colored sketches because the turn around time is usually faster.

Sadly it's not the best circumstances I wanted to open comms but well, it is what it is... ^^

the prices of my sketches are this time:
Base price = 60€

Extra character =
Extra panels =
Background =

Add color = +60€*
* = (If there's background or many panels, the price may be increased)

For now, I'd like to know only if there's anyone interested here on Patreon, if you do, just comment on this post and I'll enter in contact with you, but I'll only be officially open in a twitter/FA post soon ^^ the number of slots will be around 5 to 8.

Thanks a lot in advance! 



Don’t forget to take care of yourself ❤️