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In the 1960s, NASA detected strange energy readings in Earth's atmosphere. They went up a four person team of experts from the Baxter institute in a shuttle to investigate. Upon reaching the coordinates, the shuttle and it's crew suddenly vanished without a trace. Turns out the anomaly was a hole in reality that swallowed up the shuttle and flung it into a different reality where things..... worked differently. Even the laws of physics were thrown out the window in that place. As per protocol, they quickly left a sonar beacon at the point of entry. But the chaotic nature of the new reality damaged the shuttle severely and it was mere seconds from exploding. They jumped out of it and onto one of the block-like platforms as seen in the pics. It seemed hard as marble but felt..... off. As if it were a shell, their footsteps echoed within the massively blocks. Then, the sole inhabitant of this new universe made its presence known. A world-devouring organic machine/supercomputer from before the Big Bang that would be later called The Nebulite. Now the moment they entered the parallel reality, spacesuit or no spacesuit, the very atmosphere around them was digging into their cells, bombarding them with unknown energies and they weren't even aware of it. However, one of them already died before their effects can manifest. He was grabbed by the monster's maw tendrils, de-helmeted and then stretched apart like a victim on a medieval rake. The others managed to escape the beast through the rift that brought them there after a long and terrifying game of cat and mouse, with the rescue ship of the Voyagers of the Uncharted already there to pick them up (well more to investigate where they went, they didn't expect to see them again).

The three survivors were placed in quarantine where, over the next several days, the results of the parallel world's influence became apparent. The pilot suffocated in his cell when his skin started growing large, rock-like keratosis growths that compressed and crushed his internal organs. The youngest of the crew suddenly combusted from the inside and died screaming as smoke and fire erupted out of his mouth and melted eyeholes. The third followed soon after them as well, but not before she was grilled for all possible information about their experience... even though the agents questioning her struggled to pinpoint where her voice was coming from in her cell. She died a few days later from beating in her own skull against the wall, the only way they could see it though were the blood stains left behind.

This is from my world called WonderGlobe where all fiction is real like in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Planetary.

Comment and Enjoy ^ ^




Oh dang, Fantastic Four gone grimdark


Well holy shit. That was fucking awesome! This is such a brilliant and kickass take on the fantastic four and I love it! This is a genius story behind this badass awesome masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug* bravo good sir. Bravo.