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Disclaimer: The following story contains elements of domination and (forced) foot worship. My apologies if such things aren't your cup of tea.

So, without further adieu... *blu-ha-hem*


At some point, word had reached your ears about someone called Kitsune the Swift, a martial artist who was always traveling the world in search of a worthy opponent. You didn't get to hear much about her prowess, but hearing that she was a master piqued your interest. Still, you were training for quite some time - you were certain that you could take her. Deciding that it would be a great way to prove your abilities as a fighter, you set out to track down the wandering warrior, finding her camping somewhere in her usual getup and fox mask. She accepted your challenge, and the two of you agreed to meet at sunset at the plains.

Perfect. No distractions. Just you and her as you fight your way to victory.

At the designated meeting spot, you arrived to find Kitsune already there. She was on the ground stretching her legs, waiting for her opponent. When you stepped up...

"You sure took your sweet time getting here," Kit said, sensing your presence. "Bit late, don't you think?"

Feeling pretty confident, you started to boast, admitting that you assumed it'd be a short fight.

"Well... not inaccurate," replied Kit as she finally stood up to face her boastful opponent.

With that, the two of you got into your fighting stances... well, you did. Kitsune just stood with her arms folded. You were puzzled, but nonetheless didn't let it shake you. You were ready to fight, promising to have her underfoot by the end of it.

"Hmm. Cute," Kit said. "But let's see if you can fight better than you can trash-talk."

You were right about one thing: it was a short fight. Just not in the way you thought it'd be.

It was probably only about a minute or so, but it felt like an eternity. Not only was she out of your league, but you two weren't even on the same vessel. You were pretty proud of your fighting skill, but as the fight went on, it became clear that Kit was just stronger, faster, and all-around superior to you in pretty much every area. You could never even graze her with your attacks and could barely get a move in; meanwhile, she spent the whole time effortlessly weaving out of the way of your attacks and kicking you around like a soccer ball. With her using your face and body as her personal kicking bag, you were left wondering how the hell you were still conscious.

And what's worse? She was completely casual about it. You were standing there, huffing and puffing and trying to get a move in... and Kit just stood there in front of you, folding her arms and casually laughing at your every attempt to hurt her. In fact, the entire time, she hasn't used her hands for anything, not even defense.

"What's wrong?", she said. "Weren't you gonna have me underfoot?"

You were getting irked by her attitude, and how casually she was taking this fight. You demanded that she at least put in a little effort.

"Well, it's just... you aren't really worth the energy," Kit said with a shrug.

That response boiled your blood. In a last-ditch effort to salvage something out of this, you hobbled forward and threw one last punch toward her… but you just couldn’t make it. You didn’t even have the energy to make your arm go all the way. Chuckling at the sight, Kit launched her own finishing move in the form of a swift spinning back kick right at you, smashing the bottom of her foot right into your face. This is what finally did you in, as you were sent flying off your feet until you finally hit the ground. There you laid, now too weak, bruised, and exhausted to have any hope of continuing. It was a complete and utter defeat. You looked up at the sunset-lit sky to see your superior opponent standing over you. Though her eyes were hidden behind her fox mask, you could sense some smug self-assuredness—but also a small twinge of disappointment. While you were all bruised, completely out of breath, and covered in her footprints from all the time she spent kicking you, Kitsune herself wasn’t even a little winded—at worst, her uniform was just a little dirty through no effort of your own.

"Wow. All that tough talk, and that was it?", taunted Kitsune as she stood over you. "Just a few kicks, and you're already down? I didn't even use my hands for this fight, and you still lost so easily. Maybe you're not the ace you thought you were..."

That made it sting all the more, since it confirmed your suspicions from earlier: Kit wasn’t trying at all. While you were fighting your heart out and giving it your all, she didn’t put in any effort and still mopped the floor with you. She was light-years better than you, and now, here she is, rubbing it in. There was no way you were going to tolerate that. With the last of your strength, you started to push yourself up off the ground… but Kitsune, with a haughty little “Hmph,” plants her foot firmly on your chest and forces you back onto the ground. You tried to resist against her foot, but she was just too strong for you, especially with you in this state.

“I’d stay down if I were you,” she said as she kept her foot pressed firmly against your chest. “You can barely stand up as it is. After I kicked your ass so badly even when you were at your peak, what do you think you'll accomplish now?”

Finally giving up, you just collapsed and let her keep you underfoot—a perfect metaphor for where you stood compared to her. Once she saw that you finally accepted your place, she removed her foot from your chest.

“That’s what I thought,” Kitsune said as she stared down at you, her hand on her hip. “Now, for the loser’s punishment.”

Not knowing what to expect, you brace yourself for whatever she has in store. With an evil grin creeping onto her face, the masked master lifted her foot up once more and began to hover it over your face. You looked up at the foot that defeated you so utterly, confused… yet at the same time, you couldn’t deny how glorious it looked from this angle.

“I figured I’d find a better use for that big mouth of yours,” Kitsune said with a grin, wiggling her toes over your face. “So why don’t you worship my feet? They could use a good licking after this. And the quality of your licks determines whether or not you spend the night at the hospital, so I strongly recommend that you do as you’re told if you know what’s good for you. Understand?”

It was cruel of her to say, but she wasn’t wrong. You know by now that you don’t stand a chance against her, so what choice do you have? Not wanting to receive another beating, you reluctantly nod.

“Good!”, she replied, moving her foot closer to your face. “Now… open your mouth and stick your tongue out. Now.”


Sooo... yeah. Another sketch completed months ago that I've been workshopping a companion story for. I'm not entirely sure how these types of stories tend to go over with people, though, so I don't post them often - frankly, I'm just workshopping at this point. Just bear with me.

Of course, I could maybe add short stories like this to the main Patreon Poll Rewards every month! I just need more practice is all.


Kitsune the Swift (c) Cogsmire11


Kitsune: "You're already down with just a few kicks? That's pretty lame. You might as well use that big mouth of yours and worship my foot."
Kitsune: "So, you told me at the beginning you're going to make me eat the dirt off your feet, huh? My my... Better start licking it clean."


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