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What? You thought we were done introducing new characters for this AU? Ha! I've still got a couple more.

Shout out to Radio Demon for helping me design and conceptualize this character. Let's all get to know Marie!

(Fun fact: She was actually designed at the same time as Francisca! I just hadn't figured out a proper role and bio for her until now.)


· Full Name: Marie Fournier

· Age: 19

· Height: 5’ 9”

· Weight: 144 lbs.

· Shoe/Foot Size: 11.5 (U.S.)

· Occupation: Martial artist, mage-in-training. Aside from that, no real job (She’s the daughter of a rich and distinguished family, so money is no real issue for her)

· Likes: Winning, being the best, fashion, fighting, pop music, cats, fine arts, video games (secretly)

· Dislikes: Losing, being wrong, Nicole, those who don’t fulfill their obligations, immaturity, slovenly places, spicy food (can’t handle it)

· Favorite Food: Beef wellington. She also secretly loves fried foods

· Favorite Drink: Tea

· Hobbies: Singing, origami, archery, playing video games (secretly – is a top player in an FPS game called Starcrush)

Marie is a girl of a rather privileged background, being the daughter of one of the wealthiest families on the planet—in fact, the Fournier family is so rich that their private estate covers well over 200 miles of land, and they even have their own satellite. Though she had a largely pampered upbringing, she was also pushed into always being the best at whatever she did, her family expecting nothing less from their future heiress. As expected of her station in life and upbringing, Marie is graceful and well-versed in proper etiquette, often speaking in a formal and mannerly tone (albeit with noticeable bits of sarcasm seeping through), but having grown up as a prodigy in both magic and martial arts, she’s also haughty, arrogant, and snobbish. In her mind, she’s got it all—wealth, talent, and style—so as far as she’s concerned, she deserves to be arrogant. Above all else, though, she’s also very competitive and a perfectionist who strives for nothing less than total victory in everything she undertakes.

Marie’s perfectionism and drive to win actually provoked a significant shift in her life. At one point, she spent some time at a rival school called Goodwitch Academy, where she met a girl named Nicole Williams. Marie clearly thought little of this lower-class commoner, often critiquing her magical prowess, martial arts skills, and her lifestyle. Then the day came for Marie to put her money where her mouth was, entering a tournament and facing Nicole in one of the rounds. The battle was intense—in terms of raw skill in both magic and martial arts, Marie proved herself to be Nicole’s better (due in no small part to the latter only recently taking her martial arts training seriously). Realizing that she couldn’t defeat Marie head-on, Nicole decided to take a more strategic approach instead, and Marie’s arrogance allowed Nicole to catch her off-guard and barely clinch the win. Marie was livid—her long winning streak ended in one go by a “low-class dolt” like Nicole. The dejected girl stormed off from the tournament grounds, vowing to one day defeat her newfound rival and rectify this humiliation.

While Marie may be full of herself, she’s not all talk. She’s a prodigious martial artist who trained from a young age, and in battle, she uses a fighting style that combines Aikido with Bajiquan. In a fight, she often focuses on turning her opponent’s own strength against them, redirecting the attacker’s momentum with various throws and joint-locks, often before punishing them further with elbow strikes, punches, hip checks, shoulder checks, etc. of explosive, short-ranged power. To back this up, Marie is also a highly proficient magic user, specializing in wind elemental magic, gravity manipulation, and magic tethers, all of which she can use in tandem with her martial skills.


Marie (c) me




I can hear her laughing, “Ohohohohohohoho!” in my head right now.


Okay, I'm now excited to see Nicole and Marie's rivalry developed further.

Sam McKinney

I lover her already! She reminds me of Tekken's Lili and Street Fighter's Karin!