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EDIT: CLOSED! Thanks y’all!!! I’ll finish this batch as fast as I can!

TRYING SOMETHING NEW FOR THE NEW YEAR!! submit your art, and I'll redraw it in my own way! More information in the TOS document

💥Please read the TOS before submitting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1taxPO4Wru0H5R3ZhExQjkdyQA8gZra5WpGujEvP89YY/edit?usp=sharing

💥Here's the link to submit a request: https://forms.gle/34e513RRZkX8FhHb6

Please don't share links with non-patrons! Thanks guys!!




YAAASSSSSS Hello motivation to get back into the swing of at least doodling every day so I can hop the heck on this asap 🤞🤩


I'm soooo excited to see what art comes from this 👏👏👏