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Since I’m almost finished with chapter 4 of Ride or Die, I’m going to have a bit more time to work on art stuff! And i thought maybe i could try something different. So i wanted to ask…

How would you guys feel about “Redraw Commissions”? The idea would be this:

  • You send me your drawing
  • I redraw it in my style with my own spin!

I could also give tips/explanations to what I changed if anyone’s interested in that? Make it a learning experience?? SHRUG!

Original drawing doesn’t have to be clean or even finished necessarily…but if I’m given a sketch, I’ll only do a sketch, etc!

SOO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? I’m unsure about pricing, just wanted to get an interest check for now! Also lmk if you have any questions about the idea, bc it’s not something I’ve done (or seen?) before!




Oh my god I would absolutely adore that!!!


Oh man oh m a n I've wanted the chance to commission you for forever and this would not only be amazing but would also motivate me to draw something I've had on my drawing ideas list for literal years and it's the same 'character' that I've always wanted to see in your style 👀👀👀