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HEY just wanted to apologize for slow updates, especially on Ride or Die... i know i haven't posted new pages in a while

or much of anything really

i've really been struggling to get back into a creative headspace. basically everything i need to be doing is infinitely difficult right now for one reason or another

i'll try to keep everyone updated when i have the energy! and if you'd rather unpledge for now that's fine. i'm not sure when new pages will be coming at this point

as for other art, including NSFW art, i'll try to dig up some sketches or maybe repost old LE nsfw that new patrons might not have already seen.

but again, don't feel bad if you want to unpledge, i dont blame you!!

hopefully i'll be able to work on something again soon

hope you guys are well!



Creativity is not a light switch; one cannot simply turn it on. Take your time and do what you need to do.

Allan Meyer

Patreon can pause, take care of yourself, we’ll be here.


There’s enough of a ~catalog to keep us busy, you do whatever you need to for yourself, friendo!


Creativity ebbs and flows, that is how art works. Artists are not machines. Take this time to nurture yourself in lots of ways! Your art will happen when it is time, and not a moment before.


I know I speak for more people when I say we are here to support you along with the other bonuses that come with patreon, but take the time that you need we will stick around :)


Don't worry about it, your well-being is important to us so take a well earned break!

Krys Ren

You’ve been working so hard and burnout is real. Love your work - I hope you get some time to recuperate


Life happens, and you can't force art. Take a break/rest/nap whatever it is and come back when you're ready.