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hey all!! just wanted to pop in and apologize for not being very active here this month!

the easy explanation: i've been really burned out and haven't felt up to drawing very much lately. i've been taking it easy the past few weeks to let my will to draw come back on its own, and it's been working a little bit! i'm still doodling here and there (i'll upload some new art in a min) but unfortunately i haven't made much progress in the way of comic pages

the hard truth: DEPRESSION!!! ^__^

i'm actually going on a week long vacation in a few days, so i'm really hoping after i get back i'll feel refreshed enough to get back to work

i feel really guilty for not posting comic pages or even new NSFW this month. i'll drop some older NSFW art here soon, but i really don't have much to show for comic pages sadly 😭

thanks so much everyone for being so patient and sweet while i'm working (or ... not working) through this! hoping February will be better. and hope you guys have been well too



You do what you gotta do Mars! Completely understandable!


Literally no pressure, take your time! I'm not just paying for content, this is also a tip to an artist who's work I enjoy!