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hey dudes i've been thinking of adding a $10 tier but i'm not sure what to offer!! the thing that's tripping me up is the fact that i charge per update, and 3 times a month, so it would rly be $10-30/month.. and idk if i can offer anything worth that hahaha...

i wanna do like... nsfw requests and 2 entries in the monthly sketch raffle (after i reach $100 per update. so close!!) but i'm not sure what else?? or if it's good enough w just that?..... opinions welcome...



HMMM... Tbh idk if I can afford to pledge $10 just yet!! BUT, if I could, I really dig stuff like: 1.) Patreon exclusive sketches 2.) Character Q & As with drawn responses! These are super fun omg I love to interact with OCs. If you did do this tho, be sure to protect yourself by creating a set of rules for Q & A's so that it discourages people from asking anything rude / inappropriate / what have you. 3.) Scheduled Streams: it can be you drawing the next page, it can be sketch requests, whatever u want it to be Netflix and Chill only it's Stream and Chill. 4.) "Art of" stuff!! Have you ever seen those "Art of X" books Disney puts out after a film? And it has collections of artwork with commentary from the artist? I'd love to see The First Joey ever drawn with like, what you thought about him then vs. what you think about him now, what inspired them / this story, or even just silly stuff you think about your OCs in general. It could literally be a page with old or new art, and your commentary alongside it. It can even be your thoughts on character design, whatever you wanna talk about! I love to read others artist's thoughts on Stuff, so it's totally up to you. ANYWAY that's all I got!! GOOD LUCK!!! *U* b PS: If you did NSFW requests I'd literally Die And Go To Heaven OK I fully support this idea AAHHH buriesmyfaceinmyhandsoohhhhmygosssshhh


OHHH THESE Are all rly good ideas!! idk if i could do #4 tho since i think i've shared concept stuff around already hahaha but maybe i could work it out! THANK U FOR THESE!!