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HERE IT ISSSSS (if i could use emoji here they'd be those little :ta-da:s) PAGE ONE of Ride or Die!

god i can't wait for you guys to see it all. i'm super excited for this story and characters and twists and the CARS. also going to be a very interesting challenge doing full color! the last time i did a full-color comic, each page took me literally alllll day long. this one only took a few hours, but it also is only two panels with one character, which makes things a bit easier, so we'll see how i hold up for the rest

i'm definitely going for a cinematic look, since my main inspiration for this story (and comics in general) is movies and TV, so i hope i can use some colors and effects that make that feeling come through... striving for a balance of NOT spending all day on a single page, while also having them (hopefully) look sick as fuck

PAGE 2 is coming tomorrow. i have a couple pages done right now, so i'm spacing them out to one a day until i run out, and then they'll just be posted here as soon as they're ready!

thanks so much to everyone who is currently or has previously supported me here, seriously the income here is keeping me going and allowing me to focus on this story full-time. hashtag blessed

tune in TOMORROW for page 2! B)




So excited!!


I’m late to this party and trying to sift through everything tagged to find the RoD comics. Is it possible to tag them #rod as well as #comic so new patrons can search them together? And of course that’s a lot of work going through archives, but maybe content going forward could get more helpful tagging?


yeah of course! i do tag them but patreon i think doesnt show tagged posts in order, so i have all of chapter 1 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56176863 and i can do the same with chapter 2, ill make a new post in a minute!