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Hey, everyone! Here's the latest TRY early - this time, we're trying a selection of More Extreme Hot Sauces with fun names like Hot Sauce From Hell and Spontaneous Combustion! Let's see how our TRYers handled the heat! Enjoy! :D

- The TRY Team

Direct link: https://vimeo.com/903349723/f746582ad1?share=copy


Irish People Try More Extreme Hot Sauces



You should've given Thomas those Archie McPhee "Mansplaining Mints" to give to Clisare 😋😏

Don Proctor (lostagain)

Love Claire standing in for Dermot. "Habaneroooooo". And I will from now on describe any food that hurts going down just the way Paddy does. If you're into S&M, you'll like this.