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Hey, lovely Patreon people! We've got a task that we'd like your help with. We're putting together ideas for a new type of video, and for it we're going to need questions.

NOW - these questions need to be for ANY TRYer, not one TRYer specifically. We're looking for funny questions, teasing questions, outside-the-box questions. There's a possibility of alcohol being involved, so do with that what you will.

IMPORTANT - nothing inappropriate please! We want to have a bit of craic, but anything deemed inappropriate or crossing any lines of decency won't be considered.

SO, please comment below with any and all questions, challenges, and more. A lucky selection will be read out and answered in this upcoming video! 

- The TRY Team


John R Martin

Are you all born in Ireland? Do you still live there?

Brodie Stephens

Since the channel is somewhat geared toward an American audience … What is your impression of Americans (as people), and how are they different from others? How do you reconcile that opinion with your opinion of American politics?