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Hey everyone!

Quick question for you all - we're thinking of having a big, long, fun Thanksgiving livestream on the channel on Saturday the 28th of this month.

We wanted to ask you, our lovely Patrons, two things:

1.) What time would work best to kick the stream off at? We'd be hoping to go for about 4 hours or so, should we aim for any particular time that would suit best?

2.) What would you like to see on the stream, in terms of games and activites? It will be a digital-only stream, similar to our most recent ones, so bear that in mind.

Let us know in the comments!

- The TRY Team


Lewd Dewd

We're west coast US and will adjust our time to whatever works best for you! We'll make it work :-)

Douglas Boyle

Whatever time you decide to do it, make sure you put a notice before one of the videos going out that week otherwise I'll forget. I'm terrible at remembering this shit. I'm still finding myself surprised by the videos when they come out on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Lockdown has been hell on my mind, I've lost all track of time.