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This pic is an event happen during the second turn of the Discord rpg. "Three reigns" where the army of Thandra, Tirana and Volupta is fighting for the glory of their goddess.

"In the forest there seems to be a strange calm. Kae and the sorceress Selena, generals of the Tirana army, are infiltrating the mysterious forest of the kingdom of Volupta, the goddess of love. their plan was to capture some generals of Volupta's faction to gain an advantage in the war of the three kingdoms. Selena's magic was very important in this. with her spells Kae moved undisturbed and invisible in the undergrowth, setting the traps necessary to take her victims. What the two adventurers didn't know was that Volupta's spies had already discovered their plan, even though no one knows how.

Rosaria, the military general of Volupta moves fast among the trees. He bypasses the traps set by Kae and joins her sorceress who is casting covering spells. With a quick action Rosaria grabs Selena and puts a hand on her mouth blocking her spells. With sturdy ropes she ties her up and manages to capture the young magic user. What will happen now in the three realms?"

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I assume Turn 1 had no bondage, so I won't request it.


I'm hoping for a Thandra getting the cloth scene. Love your work.


Are you posting all turns or is this just a teaser for joining the Social Tier?

Loaka Mossi

Don't worry, you haven't missed any art. Turn 1 didn't have any art made for it.