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Two damsels without a cause.

Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_Two damsels_





Both women know their feet are in for a night of worship and tickling.


Another great picture! Love the design and the shared glance of outrage and desperation at their predicament. Got inspired to try my hand at another piece of writing. For anyone who's like to read it, as its a bit longer this time I've moved the story into the reply to this comment, as otherwise it takes up an obnoxious amount of space (especially on mobile)


Sophia Corbett was not having a good night. The beautiful red-haired heiress had been warned that a notorious thief, known only by her alias “The Blonde” was operating in the area, and was targeting wealthy women like herself. Sophia had ignored the warnings, unwilling to give up her socialite lifestyle and confident that if the hotel she stayed at could keep away the persistent paparazzi which plagued her, they could also keep some half-rate cat-burgler at bay. She'd been leaving the bathroom of her penthouse suite, dressed to kill in a blue cocktail dress and ready for another night on the town, when she noticed she couldn't see her PA, Carla. Normally her assistant, dressed in black pant suit and hair in a sensible bun, would be standing at the door, ready to take her to her taxi. Suddenly she heard a faint noise from the living room: “Hhmmmph.” Creasing her delicate brow, Sophia stepped down the hall and poked her head around the door. She was not ready for the sight greeted her. There was her assistant, sitting on the sofa, tied up barefoot and near naked. The pant suit was gone, and it appeared to have been concealing an unexpectedly racy lacy black bra and thong. Carla's arms and legs were pinioned together by ropes, and more ropes had been wrapped above and below her breasts, pushing them out. The final touch was a strip of black tape which had been wrapped around Carla's mouth. Carla looked up at Sophia plaintively, only able to give another muffled moan and grind her shapely bottom into the sofa as she tried to wiggle out of her bonds. Sophia was so distracted by the sight of her hapless assistant, she didn't notice the figure sneaking up behind her until it was too late. A few minutes later Sophia was sat next to Carla on the sofa, tied up in the same position, and hurling futile threats at the blonde thief through the tape now covering her mouth. Her blue cocktail dress was pooled on the floor nearby, along with her high heels, leaving her in her lacy pale blue underwear. The Blonde stood before them, looking down at her captives with a smug look of satisfaction before turning to search Sophia's apartment for valuables. Sophia had never been more humiliated in her life, only able to watch as the Blonde plundered her apartment in front of her. Any of the paparazzi would have killed to get a photo of Sophia now: The haughty but gorgeous redhead stripped to a skimpy matching set of bra and panties, cleavage quivering as she desperately struggled to break free. Sophia and Carla shared a look over their gags: Sophia's green eyes angry, Carla's doe-eyed and desperate. While the thief searched, the two buxom damsels scooted closer to each other, twisting their bodies as they tried to reach out with their hands to one another and untie the ropes. Soon they were so close Sophia could feel the heat of Carla's bare thigh pressing against her own, and Carla's fingers tracing against her naked skin as her assistant fumbled for the ropes. Despite everything that had happened, this, combined with the ropes pressing against Sophia's large breasts and the image of Carla's toned body covered by no more than a few scraps of thin black lace, caused a fire to ignite at the pit of Sophia stomach. To her horror she looked down and saw that her nipples had stiffened and were pressing against the thin fabric of her bra. Meanwhile the thief had discovered the penthouse safe, hidden behind a landscape picture. She looked at it for a second, considering, then strutted over to the two woman. Sophia and Carla shuffled away from each other, so the Blonde wouldn't notice what they'd been doing. The Blonde raised an eyebrow at Sophia. “Enjoying ourselves are we?” she asked, running a hand over her breast and giving her nipple a quick pinch through the bra. Sophia gave a sharp cry of outrage at the treatment – didn't this thief know who she was? - but her nipples only grew harder in response. The Blonde suddenly knelt down in front of them both. Sophia and Carla both looked down confused, as the Blonde extended her forefinger, one towards each foot. The mystery was quickly solved when she ran the finger up each of their bare arches. The effect was electric, both squealing and drawing back their shapely legs from the offending finger. The Blonde smiled and went to fetch the duffel bag she'd brought with her. Both Carla and Sophia's eyes grew wider and wider as the Blonde laid out the items one by one: A bottle of oil, a hairbrush, a stiff feather, and an electric toothbrush. “I need the combination of that safe. And, if I'm being honest - ” The Blonde picked up the feather and waved it in front of them, “ - I also just want to watch you lovely ladies squirm. So which of you would like to go first?” Sophia shared one last panicked look with Carla, then both started furiously shaking their heads, their bodies practically bouncing up and down on the sofa as they hopeless strained against the ropes. “HMMMMPH,” they both cried out, cheeks bulging. “Can't decide? Fair enough, I think I'll start - ” the Blonde paused, Carla and Sophia's eyes following her finger, almost hypnotised, as it swung back and forth between the two of them, “ - with you,” she said, finger settling on Sophia. Sophia tried to draw her legs back, but the Blonde easily caught them, drawing them into her lap. Sophia could only watch, helpless, as the feather drew closer and closer to her pale, exposed arch. It would turn out to be an extremely long night. The night didn't turn out to be entirely without merit though. She'd learnt her assistant had a very cute laugh alongside a gorgeous body. Both of which, in the future, she was determined to enjoy for herself.


Fantastic job. Love – next to the gorgeous legs and bondage, of course – their very neat, classic haircut!!!