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Hello everyone. :D

First and foremost: many thanks to all of you who are supporting me. Thanks to your contribution I was able to carry out many projects. I hope you are happy here on my page. a thousand times thanks!  :D

I am writing these lines to inform you about a news that I will add to patreon soon (perhaps as early as next month). I've been on this platform for a while, and between failures and successes I realized one thing. I enjoy creating drawings, but I also really enjoy collaborating with you, creating works that you will like too. In fact, over the months I received advice and suggestions from you for fanarts or even for the weekly tables. A month ago I also added the possibility to write me your fantasies from which I took inspiration for other works. Thanks for having participated in so many. Many have yet to draw.

Unfortunately the patreon method: create posts and add comments is very ... cold (I don't know if this metaphor is also used in English). And the private message system sometimes I don't get notified. I would like to create a chance for my patreons to be more involved in the development of my drawings. So with opinions, proposals etc.

So here's what I thought. I want to create a higher tier.

Duty premise: nothing changes to the previous tiers. What you have will remain unchanged. this is one more thing, not one less.

So what are the benefits of this new tier?

a discord channel will be created just for you, you can have access ask me the link via private message. In this server we will have a continuous brainstorming on my projects and you will be kept informed in real time of what I do. moreover, I would also like to discuss long-term projects with you.

I have some ideas and can't wait to tell you about them. (Small spoiler: a new game, maybe?)

I want to introduce an evolution every month. The decision of the subject and the proposals on the steps will be decided in this channel.

With this tier you will have access to the old works (2018-2019) at the moment with the 5+ tier you can see the 2021 material and with the 10+ the 2020 material. 

Okay, I think to write you more informations. This is my ideas for now, please let me know what do you think.

I return to draw. :D

See ya!




That sounds awesome to me. I would definitely sign up for that tier in a heartbeat.


Same, a Discord sounds like a great idea to me (communicating via Patreon can be a bit tricky!)


It all sounds great!


Sounds great :)

Robert Mach

This would be awesome! And a great place for the community to connect! Let me know if you need any help setting your discord up...Shamrock and myself would be glad to throw in and help where we can!


When you say possible "new game", are you talking another Choose Your Own Adventure comic like Mia Adventure and Thandra Quest, OR an actual game like DIDnapper?