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Ok guys! I've read your suggestions. Of course I'll do a poll to choose the theme. But first I want answer you and ask if there are other suggestion from the last moment.

From your suggestions:  

soldiers/military personnel: intriguing, but what exactly do you mean? a representative of every army in the world? I was thinking of doing something similar if there had been the World Cup, a girl from every country. 

 Anime red heads or ecchi characters: Ok but only red ones can be... repetitive, about ecchi characters I don't know so more.

 Pro Wrestlers: I don't follow so much wrestling, sorry.

 Sorceresses: interesting but not for first tournament.

 Girls with heels (and stockings/pantyhose). Secretaries, business women, gothic ladies: Normal girls and woman can be cool but for first one I like choose something like famous ones.

 villianesses  or muscular villianesses: this theme are very good for me but I think hard choose the characters. I'll do it because I like it but not now. one question: there are many female muscular villianesses? I can't remember.

 The girls from Bible Black: I like the girls but how I just say not for the first one.

 Leauge Girls:  I didn't understand this suggestion. 

 regarding OCs. maybe I explained myself wrong. I am very happy that you wanted my characters. But I meant one character for each DID authors. obviously contacting the authors first and asking for permission. 

So, in the end, the more votable themes are: OCs, Disney princesses,   Overwatch characters,  Fire Emblem Characters,  Final Fantasy girls,  Persona 5 (I warn you I don't know so much this game),  Street fighters girls,  Witcher girls (there are enough girls?),  DC and marvel heroines,  Mortal Kombat girls.

 Are there other themes you want to propose? or I could poll with these. 


Robert Mach

I think that looks like a pretty good theme poll there :D We don't want to make it too difficult or messy....Perhaps Witcher girls vs Final Fantasy as a pick as I don't recall 8 gals in the Witcher series. And for you wrestling fans that wanted something, here's a story I did a while back with all sorts of WWE gals... https://www.dropbox.com/s/13hsk08333mepav/Cross%20Promotion%20Peril%20Complete.pdf?dl=0

Eric Bot

I think a poll with those options would be great, other ideas can be tried later.


Military gals would be pretty hot. Different uniforms from different countries & different headgear/skin color would definitely make them stand apart.


Regarding ecchi. I basically mean the girls from perverted animes there's plenty to choose from so would make a sexy list. Also I see what you mean with red heads being repetative


By leauge Girls i meant the Girls from leauge of legends


Resident Evil , Actresses, Dragonball Z , Bleach, My Hero, saw a thing shamrock manipulations did of dnd girls


It's nice to see how you make your poll decision! I'm the one proposed for the muscular villainesses, and TBH I don't remember many of them too...XD If you do this theme later, I think villainessess is good enough ^^ And I think the poll list is quite good now, waiting to vote for them


Could also add Game of Thrones girls to the poll


I like the narrowed down choice, interesting thoughts behind it. On the topic of Witcher girls, yes, we could easily fill 8 spots in the tournament with girls from Witcher 3 :)