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 Hello everyone.
A non-standard post to share an idea with you. 

I noticed something that many artists do and which I find very nice. "Ask the characters" or "questions for the characters". A sort of interview where users ask a question and the character responds. Maybe with a small drawing. I was always in doubt whether to do it or not because I thought my characters didn't have enough appeal. And there is nothing sadder than proposing such a thing and having no response. 

But from your comments I seem to understand that you have an interest in my characters.
I was thinking of something like:
user: question for Thandra "what is your favorite fruit?" and Thandra will answer you in person.
Obviously feel free to ask any kind of question then the answer will depend on the personality of the character.

So what do you think? Would you be interested?  :D



Sounds like a good idea to me!

Massimo Lombardi

Buona idea...vorrei fare un sacco di domande ad Isabel....le chiederei anche se ho qualche speranza di fidanzarmi con lei...😂😂😂,scherzo.Bella idea, comunque...davvero!!


I would love to ask your characters some questions :) especially Thandra :)


I'm definitely down to see some Q&A related drawings for your characters, 'Prof! It's always fun to see this kind of interaction, I remember a couple of webcomic artists who do the same thing in between uploading pages online. Not to mention that getting a better sense of your characters' personalities only adds a bonus to the bondage appeal. I'm curious if Ross Eliot (Gingrjoke) influenced this idea at all; he started doing the same thing recently.


What if the characters were captured and tied up and the Q&A is like an interrogation


Sounds like fun.


100 % for it! I love your characters. I am in favour of everything going in that direction! I myself have questions for Thandra…


it will be nice ^^