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 Hello everyone. 

I write this post to talk about the comic pages that I publish over the weekend. I received many messages asking me why I removed the pages.
When I designed the weekly pages from your suggestions I wanted it to be exclusive content only for you patreon 10+. 

But I recently discovered that some of those images were stolen. This thing especially annoys me because it is a lack of respect for my most generous patreons. 

I decided to try this path: The pages will remain for a certain period of time. Later they will be removed. Obviously if the patreon 10+ would like to review the old ones they can write to me in private and I will send you a link. what do you think? do you agree with this solution? 



No problem. You're so generous with your daily updates that it is fully understandable.


That sounds very reasonable and I can't completely understand your reasons.


Seriously you do so many updates I think that's more than fair


Good way to curb free riders from getting images they’re not paying for.


As long as we can request for the old ones I dont see the problem


i completely understand where this is coming from, however, I think if your pics gets stolen they often steal it shortly after you posted it. so personally i think this trouble us more than it troubl e


those thieves. But again, I do not have a good solution to this either so I am ok with this.


Also, I come from a Chinese background and the copyright problem for Chinese online novel writer are much worse, usually their story /update end up on some other website 1hr or 30 minutes after they publish online. however, this did not stop those Chinese online novel writers make money and many successful ones get paid decently some even become millionaires. so please relax do not think about it too much. those who really enjoy your art will keep support you and those who are watching stealed version probably will not pay regardless.


I understand. Since this post of yours will get buried over time, I strongly suggest you edit your $10 tier description saying those Stash links for the weekly comics are removed after month. Otherwise new $10 patrons will be confused and/or angry when they look at your old posts. Like others said your art quality is amazing for how frequently you post.