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Hello everybodies!

today is the first of the new month. April is over and it's time to say some words.

At the moment I've 87 Patreon, I'm really really happy. Thanks so much for your support in only half month. I'll continue to work for grow better.

Many thanks at all! :D

As just say it I've just reached all of my goal for April. In the next days I'll pubblish the new Strange comic page, the new set image, and the new colored comic page. and, of course the PSD files for the generous donators. I'm happy to post a new sketch every day, I hope you like it too.

for this new month I want introduce some news: Two different type of images:

1) Illustrations: a colored drawing more detailed 

2) Strips: a small story with some panels but all inclused in a single page. (I've just prepared the first one and will be post with this message.)

What do you think? are you satisfied about this page? have you some suggest? some critics? Please let me now your thinking to create a new good stuff.



That sounds great ^w^ But are you okay to draw a sketch every day ? I just ask this question because it could be difficult to keep that pace and also working on the other contents... I'm really glad to be one of your patrons. For now i don't have suggestions but I have one question. When comes the next "episode" of Princess in trouble ? <3


I think you've done a really good job with this page; love the new content, and like XeNOs said, don't feel like you have to push too hard. I, and we, don't want you to get burned out.


I like what you've been doing so far and I'm intrigued to see the illustrations and strips too. I don't really have any criticisms I feel like you've been so generous with the quality and amount of art you've shared. Thanks!


I'll do a new sketch every day except in two times: 1) on sunday 2) when I post another complex stuff. For example: tomorrow I'll post the new strange page, on tuesday the new image set and on friday the new page of princess in trouble. So I don't post new sketchs for the next three days.


This really has been a great month. You've posted a lot of content and your sketches are very high quality. If you can keep up the pace then i say go for it! As for suggestions how about a monthly lottery for higher tier Patrons to get a sketch with their choice of character? That's all I can think of, as I said you are doing pretty much everything right as far as I can see!