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Here's the stream link for our next book club meeting. People have asked for some discussion questions like we had at the end of One Piece last time. It'll be a little harder to come up with questions for a one-sitting book club, but I'll do my best.

Some discussion questions for you to bring to the club meeting!

1. If you were translating this series into English, what would you call it instead of the objectively terrible Delicious in Dungeon?

2. Which monster was your favorite and why?

3. Which party member ended up being your favorite and why?

4. Were there any characters you didn't like? Why not?

5. Were there any moments where the story or a character's actions surprised you? If so, why were you surprised? What did the author do in the narrative to set your expectations up one way before subverting them?

See you at the club!


Jello's Dungeon Meshi Book Club! (Patreon Stream!)

Congratz if you are watching this thank you for supporting the Patreon!!! Dungeon Meshi is great Jello's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jelloapocalypse Aloha's Stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@Stabbyness Bo's Stuff: https://twitter.com/beauhello



1. Dungeon Delicacies (Pretty basic but I think it's neat and I am not that creative!) or to be honest I would have just kept it as Dungeon Meshi we live in an age of information it's so easy to look up what Meshi means. 2. I love the silly walking mushrooms, but also the living Armour was so creative! But my actual favorite monster is a spoiler so all I'm going To say is dragon hybrid. 3. SENSHI! I honestly thought at first Marcille or Laios would be my favorite, but nope. 5. The tone shifts the story took after 20+ chapters, I really thought it was just a silly little adventure story, I really should've known when the entire thing was 90+ chapters! In conclusion can't wait for the book club!

Ignis Astrorum

Just call it dungeon dishes. Simple and to the point.


1. Obviously, the reference to D&D has to be kept, so how about... "Dine 'n Dungeon" or "Dungeon 'n Dash" 2. My favorite monster has to be the living armor. Not only because it's the first monster in the story with a truly unique twist in the fantasy genre, but it helps ground the ecology of the Dungeon in a semblance of fantasy realism. The fact that it's a bunch of mollusks controlling armor as its shell is just so simple and creative. 3. It's so hard to pick between them, but I have to go with Laios. I love how, even from the opening chapters, despite saving his sister being the obvious priority, there was a selfish desire (heh) to indulge in one of his long-time dreams (eating monsters). He's oblivious to obvious social cues and can make short-sighted decisions at the moment, but it's great to see his mind works and how Laios is actually really smart when it comes to monsters and fighting them. Man, his gauntlet fighting all those dragons to get to Thistle was legendary. Not to mention, every interaction he has with Kabru is gold. 4. Were there any characters you didn't like? Why not? I actually liked all the characters, no matter how big or small their roles, but if I had to pick one that didn't meet my expectations, sadly, it's Izutsumi. I love her design, backstory (what little of it we get), and how she's a picky eater, which is perfect for a story like this, but it just feels like she's missing a certain...something. Her arc essentially ends with her realizing that she can't just freely do anything she wants and becomes less selfish, which was...fine. But she doesn't contribute too significantly to the plot, with the exception of the Succubi arc and following Laios' orders to kill him (which I thought was a great character moment for the both of them.) Otherwise, she's just an extra pair of hands to help fight and another source of comic relief. Both of which are still done very well. It really doesn't help that she's introduced halfway into the story, so she doesn't as much time to gel with the party. 5. Despite every other screwed-up moment that happened up to this point, I was still shocked to see the painfully long scene of Laios suffocating his sister to death. I knew Ryōko Kui was a good writer, but I'm always nervous about authors following through on their characters doing morally questionable actions. For example, there was always the smallest fear in the back of my mind that the party would kill her together or another character would offer to kill her in his place to spare him the potential trauma. So it was amazing and satisfying to see the narrative set up Laios hesitating to strike and kill his sister and paying it off later when he followed through.


1.) Dungeons & Dragons & Dinners 2.) The living paintings or the demon, specifically the little puffball version. the living painting is more of a gag, but it makes the world feel bigger and scarier that there’s a boarder to the reality of the comic, and even though the reader gets a backstory for it the characters never do. 3.) From the main party, Senshi being an unabashedly good guy puts him just slightly ahead. Out of the whole cast though, Kabru has so much going on backstory wise and internally, also just massive blorbo energy for me personally. 4.) it might’ve been Pattadol when I first read the series but she has a one page backstory in the adventurers bible that made her interesting to me. 5.) Laios consistently caught me off guard at the end of the series. Going back i do think his actions/personality was set up, especially when we were shown his backstory sans Falin, but I think I got so comfortable with him being a goof who usually succeeded that when he made hard decisions or really seemed caught in a bad situation I was really like ‘wait no????’.


Alright time to try and answer early so I can be more prepped for book club: 1) I mean obviously just keep it Dungeon Meshi but if i have to... i mean honestly just "Delicious n' Dungeon" or "Dungeons and Delicacies" would be such big improvements, what is the word "in" doing in that name? Also shout out to "Dungeon Crawl" for being a bit too generic but a fun pub crawl reference! 2) The shapeshifter's lore wasn't actually that new or interesting but the way they allowed for a fun diplomacy chapter that gave us an insight into all of the characters with a detective-y puzzle element was really clever and is a highlight of the manga. Also shout out to the Succubi for similar insights as well as giving Izutsumi an excuse to do anything with a pretty good fight. Oh and dragons. dragons are cool. has yam read dungeon meshi? she should. 3) Arguably she doesn't count but: Falin and I'm not joking. She only has like 3 chapters of screentime plus some flashbacks but they do such a good job characterising her before you even get to meet her and she's really likeable. Can't go too in detail without this becoming bonkers long but shout out to her being really emotionally intelligent and socially adept and then we find out she's just as much of a freak as Laius, that was fun. I was honestly kind of mad that she wasn't around longer even though it would be really difficult to write her in, she's so likeable. And her backstory with Marcille is great. Also her eyes are usually closed~ 4) I liked Sissel alot cus he's a long haired jester who wears braids and I'm me, but he wasn't a super interesting character. He was so resistant to diplomacy (for good reason but it still bothered me) and his deal was revealed so slowly for something that doesn't really constitute a twist. I straight up still wouldn't like him if he didn't have stupid clown shoes with bells, he's lucky his outfits are good. Also he'd be hotter if he was a girl. That's not really relevant to his quality but its an opinion I had so it gets to go here now. 5) Not really, cus this manga builds up to all its big twists slowly (cus its good!) but i guess I'd just say the tone shift after the dragon arc was kind of a surprise. The stakes in the story get pretty bonkers but the tone always ramps up pretty slowly, like when it goes full Lorelai Blyndeff near the end I wasn't surpised at all. But for some reason after meeting Sissel the tone shifts from a fun slice of life-ish, light toned cooking manga to like... a slow and deadly march through trenches? does that make sense? no one is enjoying themselves anymore, not even Laois, and it sucks to read. Its also why I love Izutsumi because she gets to be interesting in that 10-20 chapter area where everyone else gets breadcrumbs. I feel like this is just a me thing, but I'm always right, so there! Anyway those are thoughts gone long! Yippee!!


Oh also, one more Falin detail, its really great how all the og party members (by which I mean Laois, Marcille, Chilchuck, Namari and Shuro) all have a relationship with her and it feels believable that they would want to save her, especially Laois and Marcille, they do such a good job showing her personality off even when she's offscreen and the guilt they both feel is really interesting!


Oh my god. How did I miss Diners, Dungeons, and Dives


Just finished listening to the book club. I'm sad I had to miss it but here are my general thoughts: They should have just gone with Dungeon Food for the title. Dungeons and Dinners if they really wanted that DnD title shorten, but Dungeon Food is such a solid pun so like come the fuck on. Bo is so fucking right, the Winged Lion is hot and I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about how hot he is. It's ridiculous, and something something the art is phenomenal. Legitimately felt like I was looking at some neoclassical tapestries. I definitely agree with the general dunking on Izutsumi as a character. She could have had potential, but she was really underdeveloped and under utilized throughout the story, so she ends up sticking out like a sore thumb. Like, I get you guys saying that Kabru could have been the one to instantly kill Lion-Laios, but I like that his major flaw and defining trait is his inability to act quickly. He analyzes and overthinks everything, and while in a different version, his character arc could have seen him overcoming that, I like that he stays that way. I genuinely like that he's kind of pathetic considering how self-important he makes himself. Instead, I wish that Izutsumi was developed in a way where her character leaned into that quick-action since that's her best, most defining moment, but she desperately needs at least another layer to her. Like, lean more into how a cat watches everyone closely and cares, but not in the obvious ways a dog (or Laios) does. I think Izutsumi should have acted even more like a stray cat at introduction and make her motivation literally like a stray cat finding warmth and comfort for the first time in her life. Tie it in with an abuse survivor finding people that treat them like a real person, and make her desires and motivations tied to wanting to keep these people safe. That said, I truly love that Dungeon Meshi exists as it does. It's such a great read and has honestly become one of my favorites. Problems notwithstanding, the themes of needing to desire, the power of food, the love of consumption, are presented in such a powerful, earnest way that I can overlook its faults. This is a story told with love and passion, and it's SUCH a breath of fresh air after the (useless) poison of One Piece.


1. Honestly, just "Delicious Dungeon," sounds good to me. 2. I adore the Walking Mushrooms. They are small and adorable, i don't really have much more to say about them. Just looking at them brings me joy. 3. Marcille is hands down my favorite character. I enjoy the little details, such as her perfectly making talismans with people even mentioning that it "looks straight out of a textbook," her enjoyment of cute things and romance, and the fact that she named her staff. However, i do also love the bigger parts of her character like how she is a perfect example of a "Straight A student" that doesn't want to leave her comfort zone, but then she's like "I know the Ancient Magic that is forbidden by law." Its a nice little subversion of my expectations. And to top things off I actually really enjoyed her motivation, out living literately everyone around you would be a terrifying thing. From the moment your born you are cursed with the fact that you will have to see people you grow old and die around- even the longer living races; it's no wonder someone like this is so obsessed with dungeons and "Dark Arts." They may hold the answer to changing things and granting longer life to your friends and family. It's such a fascinating topic to consider. 4. It would probably be the Canaries. They don't really do much in the story besides the captain, who is actually a character with a backstory and a reason to be there. Though some of the canaries have some interesting powers, they only really get used like 2 or 3 times max. The only thing i really loved about them was the moment when they realized that things were serious and immediate breakdown and go "I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to my family. I"M GOING TO DIE!" That part was great. 5. A few moments surprised me, but they were usually small things. The biggest surprise I faced was actually growing to like Laois. For most of the story i found him either annoying or boring. Honestly, I respect the "people dumb, but hyper fixation smart" characters, but I personally feel tired of seeing the trope everywhere, especially in main characters. He had interesting moments like learning some magic, but I personally started liking his character in the final stretch of the story. I do still find that I enjoy most of the other main party members a bit more, but he has jumped up to a decent spot in my mind. Loved the part where he was excited to choose with dragon would finish him off.


Okay so like, I just read a Dungeon Meshi extra that explains that Izutsumi isn't actually a girl who got turned into a cat by adding in cat soul, but she's a cat who got turned into a girl by adding in dead girl soul! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RYOKU KUI THAT'S SUCH AN INTERESTING THING TO DO WITH IZUTSUMI WHY IS THIS NOT IN THE MANGA. Oooohhhh okay I'm like, if I hadn't already been made to acknowledge how Izutsumi ended up being underutilized this would be my joker moment. I'm just.... Ryoko Kui.... You're telling me Izutsumi's entire deal about wanting to go back to normal to just get to be a human person like she thinks she started as has THIS as a twist and it's just not in the manga???? I'm like actually mad. This could have been so cool to see explored I'm like not convinced that this isn't something Ryoko Kui came up with after the fact because otherwise how do you not do anything with that. I wish patreon comments would allow me to link the image because it's... Ryoko Kui.... is a master at using worldbuilding to make her story less interesting the more she worldbuilds lmao. It really is starting to look like there's just a whole bunch of ideas that she really should have put IN the manga that have for some reason ended up in the extras instead.


1. Delicious Dungeon would be a nice simple name! 2. We love the found family with gruff sort dad figure, tall autistic boi, mage lil lady,and sort lil tricky guy>:3 3. I wish they did a more interesting story with Izu! 4. God's I LOVE the artistry! The artist does such a good job with anatomy and giving thing depth and weight!! 5. I hope you doing well Jello, there's alot of drama going around with Lovely Complex but you guys did a great job and I hope everything turns out well!:)


So not canon so it doesnt really matter but someone on tumblr has been posting au comics of senshi meeting izumi as a kid instead of a teen and they have a guardian/ward relationship pre-laios party and it does fix the dynamic somewhat. Like its fluff but if we push it further and izumi WAS a kid i think her worst traits would be easier to sit through both for the readers and senshi (also the rest of the party is weirdly ambivalent) and you could work in the single parent fluff if u wanted It also makes izumi's relationship with shuro's party make more sense, and her assassin role more tragic instead of being TOLD she was living that way for years SEEING it before she breaks off to force marcielle to break her binding curse. I also think it wouldve been a more fun dynamic with the party as a whole. Also Kabru shouldve been the one to decapitate Laios 100% wouldve been a better end to his arc