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It's like Name That Tune, but spicier!

Starting LIVE AT 12pm SATURDAY, DEC 30th! Running all day until the goal is reached or I die.

A live event where you can play along at home! Help the players on-stream raise money for charity by recognizing songs from video games. All proceeds to go Feeding America.

Every category has five "Slots", which are the songs you are guessing. Each song is worth a certain amount of points. For every point you earn, that's one dollar Jello has to donate to charity at the end of the night (max $15,000).

Unlike regular Jeopardy, the Categories are ALSO hidden! Use the songs in each slot as a hint to figure out what the Category that unites all the songs is. It can be something as simple as "Water Level Theme" or as difficult as "Game Where the Developer Hid a Picture of Their Cat in There Somewhere". Successfully guessing a category doubles, triples, or even quadruples the amount of points earned that round! Wow!

Every $1000 raised unlocks a special BONUS ROUND.

For every $3000 raised, all further proceeds are multiplied by an additional +1x! So a Slot worth 5 points is now worth 10 for the rest of the game. Wowza! This stacks infinitely.

Donate the specific amounts onscreen to add multipliers and assist the players on stream to raise as much money as possible.


$5 - Get a hint for the next Slot
$10 - Automatically counts the next missed Slot for points, as if it were not missed
$25 - Get a hint for the current Category
$50 - All Slots this round count for points, no matter what!
$75 - Add a score multiplier if the current category has every Slot and the Category guessed correctly. Note that this must be done without donation perks! If a Slot has already been missed, this activates on the following round.
$100 x [Difficulty Level] - Reveal the Category with its multiplier. Costs $100 for every difficulty level, so a Level 3 Category (the hardest) costs $300.
$150 x [Difficulty Level] - Family Feud Guessing. Same as the above, but if players are able to guess the remaining Slots before the song comes up, its worth x2 points.
$200 - Unlock the next Bonus Round right away!

NOTE: There are special, extra-difficult songs called "Star Songs" worth anywhere from 10 to 50 points each! Star Songs are unaffected by all of the bonuses above and must be guessed to be unlocked.


Video Game Jeopardy (LIVE!)

A live event where you can play along at home! Help the players on-stream raise money for charity by recognizing songs from video games. All proceeds to go Feeding America. Every category has five "Slots", which are the songs you are guessing. Each song is worth a certain amount of points. For every point you earn, that's one dollar Jello has to donate to charity at the end of the night (max $15,000). Unlike regular Jeopardy, the Categories are ALSO hidden! Use the songs in each slot as a hint to figure out what the Category that unites all the songs is. It can be something as simple as "Water Level Theme" or as difficult as "Game Where the Developer Hid a Picture of Their Cat in There Somewhere". Successfully guessing a category doubles, triples, or even quadruples the amount of points earned that round! Wow! Every $1000 raised unlocks a special BONUS ROUND. For every $3000 raised, all further proceeds are multiplied by an additional +1x! So a Slot worth 5 points is now worth 10 for the rest of the game. Wowza! This stacks infinitely. Donate the specific amounts onscreen to add multipliers and assist the players on stream to raise as much money as possible. DONATION REWARDS: $5 - Get a hint for the next Slot $10 - Automatically counts the next missed Slot for points, as if it were not missed $25 - Get a hint for the current Category $50 - All Slots this round count for points, no matter what! $75 - Add a score multiplier if the current category has every Slot and the Category guessed correctly. Note that this must be done without donation perks! If a Slot has already been missed, this activates on the following round. $100 x [Difficulty Level] - Reveal the Category with its multiplier. Costs $100 for every difficulty level, so a Level 3 Category (the hardest) costs $300. $150x [Difficulty Level] - Family Feud Guessing. Same as the above, but if players are able to guess the remaining Slots before the song comes up, its worth x2 points. $200 - Unlock the next Bonus Round right away! NOTE: There are special, extra-difficult songs called "Star Songs" worth anywhere from 10 to 50 points each! Star Songs are unaffected by all of the bonuses above and must be guessed to be unlocked.



you can't beat a quiz creator in obscurity >:3


Sad I couldn't be there to guess The Forgotten City. That song makes me CRY every time i hear it.