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Time to talk about the show I've watched more than probably any other. The first two seasons of Community are an absolute masterpiece and honestly my single favorite show of all time. If you have any interest in comedy or dialogue writing you absolutely need to check it out.

The rest of the show.


I have notes! I have thoughts!

Will is here too! Will was nice enough to sit through the show with me. We rocketed through the first 2.5 seasons and then took... some time to get through the rest. I have a lot to say on the direction this show's general tone goes through. I like to describe it as "forgetting how to smile."

Much like my Columbo review, I did a watch guide for those interested. Honestly I'd just say "Watch all of S1-2 except that red episode in S1" and after that it's your choice if you want to keep going.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u34f3Q6dxMM unrelated, but please be aware of this suspiciously familiar game from a bunch of folks that were at Overworks back then

I have nothing BUT contempt for this court

I just finished my own re-watch of community last month so this is perfectly timed. I felt the same weariness about bad trends when I watched season 3 as well. It was a bummer to get reminders in season 3 that the show didn't get bad all at once and there were seeds of it earlier. I have some quick snappy thoughts on the latter seasons. Season 4 has good vision and intention with middling execution. Season 5/6 have bad vision and intention with high quality execution.


my favorite callback in the show is the third time anyone says beetlejuice in the show, beetlejuice appears in the background


It’s still kinda crazy that even after the almost complete drought of decent ideas in season 6 that Frankie could still turn out as good as she did. Carried by that actress for sure.


Considering how much you love Community, I recommend you check out Arrested Development, which IMO is its only rival in ability to tell killer jokes at a relentless pace. It also has some of that early-2000's-hasn't-aged-well-humor (probably more than Community has) but the brilliance more than makes up for it. Best of all, you can probably check out, like, three episodes before you decide whether or not it's for you because it comes in having immediately figured itself out.


With all the love for Frankie, I kept expecting one of your quotes of her to be "Did we give a degree to a dog?" While it's not a majorly funny line, it's the one that has stuck with me for the last 3 years since I watched it. For a while I thought Annie was the one who said it because it would be fitting for her to feel like her degree is worthless if that was the case. By your suggestion, I went to a compilation of Frankie quotes and it was literally the first clip. Very happy I checked out this review.


This made me watch community, and Holy shit its sooooo good. Im 3 episodes in and the intro to episode 3 had me rolling with how dense and thightly written it is. And yes somehow all 3 of them have race jokes and its oddly distracting,still pretty good tho.

Ace The Caesar

I'd adore a Jello Review for Broklynn 99 at some point, if you feel like you'd have stuff to talk about. It's such a fun show and I'd love to see you all gush more about it!


wow, that sure was an hour and fifty five minutes of listening to someone have the exact same opinions as me


I think I'd have to *re*watch it to come up with anything interesting to say about it. Some random points I have off the top of my head: - Jake and Amy is one of the best normie leading couples on mainstream TV. I actually believe that they are in love and I find their dynamic is mostly better after they've actually hooked up. - That being said the episode where Amy and the crew basically bully Jake into having a baby is hands-down the worst episode in the show and so hi-key fucked up - Wuntch and Holt have the best dynamic in the show, I'm sad she wasn't around longer in the middle seasons - I actually disapprove when people call this show copaganda. The first season has some shades of this where Diaz literally even makes a few police brutality jokes, but it's pretty obvious this season is very pro-liberal. It's got a clear stance on gun control and they even reshot most of S6 after the George Floyd stuff to change how the character handled being a show about idealized, responsible cops, which must've been an enormous financial hit in order to do a morally upstanding creative vision. I really respect that. - The Heist episodes start fun and get SO overdone even like four seasons in. I swear there are like three separate heists in the last season, it's extremely lame. - Holt starts as the show's best character and rapidly becomes its worse imo because they keep writing him being The Problem Character in the exact same way which is such a pet peeve of mine. - Hate how Gina is handled half the time.