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So I haven't gotten the greenlight from Butch Hartman on the completed StiB Danny Phantom script yet, so I'm going to be working on some other projects this week! Here's the upcoming pipeline:

TODAY - Stupid FE comic dub I made in one hour for fun (above)

FRIDAY the 21st - The first episode of Tip of the Tongue, our $500/month Patreon reward! This is a podcast-styled video series about making things online. The first episode focuses on Networking and Auditioning and it's VERY LONG. Real excited to release it!

FRIDAY the 28th - If Butch doesn't get back to me by next week I'll be making a sequel to my Disney video from December, Every DreamWorks Film Reviewed in 10 Words or Less. Currently marathoning all the DreamWorks movies. Did you know Antz is surprisingly good!?

Anyways that's all for now. Thanks so much for your support!


Women Flirting With Ike - [Fire Emblem Comic Dub]

Had a free hour today so I dubbed this for fun. New video this Friday. Ike is as gay as the day is long and everyone who's played Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn knows it. ORIGINAL COMIC: https://mahnati.tumblr.com/post/155743845464/this-is-pretty-much-the-sum-of-99-of-their Based on this Vine: https://vine.co/v/ijVz01Vn066 --- VOICES: Aimee - Michaela A.



500 dollar a month patreon reward what


Our previous stretch goal we already hit! Will and I are doing a series of how-two videos on online production, acting, and project creation.