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A few months ago, Aloha, Lenti/Vixen, and I went through all the Digimon and Pokémon with one single question: If you HAD to have sex with one of them, which one would you pick?

You must pick one or you will die.

You must.

This video is the search for both THE SEXIEST POKEMON... and the UNSEXIEST POKEMON. I ask you, viewer: Would you?

After we uploaded these videos we began getting auto-demonetized over and over and over again. This has been a problem for months. My YouTube manager has been totally incapable of fixing it, so as a last hail mary we're deleting the streams from YouTube and putting them up here, for free.

This video is free for everyone. Enjoy watching ad-free weird audible MON SMUT.



Dang, I guess Youtube would not.


WOULD YOU...? surskit is forever ruined (made better?) for me


i feel personal pride about my dumbass throwaway comment inspiring maybe the best video thumbnail of all time


The best white boy free style I've ever heard in my life


Regi elegiac won't kill you just wear rubber condom it's not like rubber has a mix limit of electricity before it fuckin explodes no