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Hey all. If you were up late at night you might've noticed a few posts about my defunct mystery/horror game Sweetwater go up. One post is a 5-hour breakdown of the entire campaign and the other is a collection of 150+ art pieces I did.

The art piece post is still up, but I've had to privatize the 5-hour breakdown video because I realized that technically at one point I do break an NDA because some audition files for a private project are visible on my computer, so I need to find a way to edit that out before making the video public again. Sorry about the wait! Hopefully it should be up in another day or two.



That's OK, I'd much rather wait a few days than have you get in legal trouble.

Rebecca Bieth

I'd rather Jello get in DOUBLE legal trouble if it meant being able to watch it a few days earlier.


I hope no one seen what could cause the legal trouble before Jello could take the video down.