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Before I sit down and write an episode of So This is Basically I like to sit in front of my microphone for 25-40 minutes and record a one-sided discussion of all my most noteworthy thoughts on the show I'm going to be parodying. All the highpoints, all the major flaws, what works about the show, what doesn't, etc. After that I listen to it, make a list of the best topics to address or nod to in the video, and continue writing from there.

I just finished recording my thoughts on Danny Phantom (above) and, to my surprise, it's the most positive of any series I've done this for so far! Not that DP is the best show of the bunch (that's definitely Gravity Falls), it just has the smallest number of overt issues. 

I decided to share these with you guys because I know at least one of my friends likes to listen to them, so maybe you might too! WARNING: EVERY ONE OF THESE FILES GOES OVER THE SHOW IN DETAIL SO MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING FOR EACH OF THEM. I wouldn't listen to these unless you've already seen the shows in question, especially Gravity Falls's file.

Also attached to this post:

  • Adventure Time Open Thoughts -  My personal favorite because it's so overwhelmingly negative. 
  • Cowboy Bebop Open Thoughts - Starts in the StiB narrator voice, eventually I just end up talking in my own voice.
  • Gravity Falls Open Thoughts - The first one of these I did. Recorded on my crappy snowball mic in the StiB narrator voice.

It should be noted that these are all totally unedited so there's a fair number of flubs since it's just me sitting in front of a microphone.

