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Here's a weird one, but I figured this might be of interest to some of you top-tier Patrons.

When publishing a book, you need to do lots of copyedits, where a proofreader suggests changes to your book and you approve or veto them. I've already done this twice a few months ago, and this is (hopefully???) the final time I'll ever need to for Prison of Plastic.

I'm in a very weird position where my audiobook was recorded ages ago and a lot of audiobook services require your audio and text be perfectly one-to-one, so I'm flatly rejecting any changes to the text itself for that reason. But there's still a few formatting changes I have to accept for veto.

I thought this might be an interesting behind-the-scenes look at some of the busywork it takes to publish a book, so I'm streaming it in case anyone is interested!

For obvious reasons, please do not share this link. I don't think I've signed anything with my publisher that makes this a breach of contract, but better safe than sorry.

Also, obviously, spoiler warning for the whole book as I'm skimming through the whole thing. If you haven't read it yet, you might want to abstain!


Copyedit for Prison Of Plastic! [PATREON STREAM]

Showing you the process and why im in a Prison.... of Plastic



Wait... a proofreading of a book already released?


Haven't seen the video yet, but seeing this reminded me... I'm assuming you know about the two tiny lines Kyle either didn't record or were left out of the auidobook? That was all I was able to find myself in terms of PDF-to-Audio discrepancies - don't remember exactly where they are ATM, can look them up later - but figured I'd check that you were also aware of them in case you wanted to edit the physical book to perfectly match the audio. Neither of the lines are particularly important - think it's like four words total.


(All page numbers are based off the page labels in the PDF copy. I may try to edit them to match the page numbers of the video's copy but idk if that'd be necessary. ) Missing Lines which might actually be noticed by normal people listening: Chapter 5 Page 93 "his smile fell" and "I didn't mean to cheat... I just..." are both missing from Soundbooth's audio (at about 31:25 ish in the cpt5 audio). Chapter 2 Page 35 '"Ew! Gross!" he spat.' is a missing line (about 28:25 in audio recording.) Insignificant changes only pedants like myself would notice: Chapter 12 Page 232 "No, no, no,"he shook his head,"It has to be something with a little more oomph!" is missing the "he shook his head" narration. (~16:21) Chapter 2 Page 42 '"Golly, what should I say?" she smiled innocently.' is missing the 'she smiled innocently' narration (at about 43:00). Chapter 10 page 203 "no, stop. Stop." is missing the "no" in the audio (at about 5:10 in the audio). Chapter 2 Page 35 Kyle added a word - "what are YOU two wrecked-tangles" is what is said while "what are two wrecked-tangles" is what is written. About 29:10 in the audio. Chapter 2 Page 40 - "It's gettin' a little stinky under there!" is missing the "it's" in the audio recording (about 38:25) Chapter 3 Page 59 "she had a better read on people LIKE HIM than the two of them did" is missing the "like him" in the audio - about 26:15. Chapter 3 Page 61 - Tiana contracts "you are such a nerd" into sounding like "you're such a nerd". (~30:20) Chapter 4 Page 71 - "Are you sure THAT you don't want me to spice up your costume a bit?" is missing the word "that" (~3:43) Chapter 6 Page 101 - Oz says "Oh my god" when the text simply says "OMG". This is easily the least significant out of all the insignificant discrepancies. Feel free to ignore. Chapter 7 Page 151 "It was the last thing she’d been expecting her LITTLE sister to ask her." - The word "little" is in the narration, but not the text. (~1:03:00) Chapter 8 Page 166 "he blinked THE fog out of his eyes" Audio recording does not have the word "the". (~0:54) Chapter 13 Page 262 The text says "ah beans, it's almost nine" but Oz says "aw bones". (~5:57) Chapter 13 Page 264 "shouted straight in his face" is missing the word "straight" in the audio (~10:00) Chapter 13 Page 265 "What happened? Tell me!Tellmetellmetellme!" is missing two "tellme"-s if you want to make it match perfectly with the dialogue. (~11:25) Chapter 13 Page 271 "made Molly feel a little BIT better." is missing "bit" in the audio. (~22:25) Text-only typos I noticed in the PDF which weren't addressed in the video above: Chapter 6 PDF-Page 100 (page 168 in the video copy) "She kept one and flung it’s wriggling body", the 'its' should not have an apostrophe, since it's supposed to be possessive, not a contraction of "it is". Chapter 12 PDF-Page 231 (page 324 in video copy) "and popped in in their mouth." should be "and popped IT in their mouth." (this is correctly said in the audio version, thankfully, even if the text is wrong). Chapter 7 PDF-Page 156 (page 231 in the video copy) "incompetant" is incorrectly spelled - "incompetent" is the correct spelling. It is possible this is a meta-joke given the context in which it's said, though... still, felt it worth pointing out. Misc note: The Spelling Bee does not seem to italicize "a" even if it is a letter-word like "I", "you", "oh", "are", and "see". I find this odd. Just pointing that out. ...If I recall correctly, the first chapter and the prologues had no noticeable errors or discrepancies, but also since apparently I only remembered like two things out of everything above, perhaps my memory is not a good basis. I started in chapter 2 and worked my way to the end, and will tackle the earlier ones at a later time.


I did my best to catch every discrepancy (and a few typos) between the Patreon PDF and Soundbooth's audiofiles. I'm sure you're *ecstatic* to hear... there was a lot more than my memory retained. They're all posted in the earlier comment above (assuming Patreon didn't flag it for me editing it too much.) Idk if you'll decide to *do* anything with any of that, but... I figured I might as well get it all down anyway. Do with it (or not do with it) what you will - this was a nice excuse to reread the book if nothing else. (Also I feel proud - I caught at least two typos the proofreaders in the video above didn't seem to catch... even if they did catch many more I *didn't* see, of course.) Idk. Every book has a few typos, no book is perfect, and there does come a point where one has to decide enough is enough. I'll let you decide where that point is for you. Please do not feel pressured to try to rectify anything I've pointed out here if you're just *done* with it all.