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  • Episode 5 - Jacuzzi Splot Learns About Thankfulness and Fornication.mp4
  • Episode 6 - Overconsumption of Sugar Cubes May Result in Criminal Activity.mp4
  • Episode 7 - Cunning Disguises and Foolproof Plans - from YouTube.mp4



While cutting down outtakes for Baccano! Abridged! I realized that the series hasn't been online for 9 months! Whoops! To amend that here are all nine episodes for your downloading pleasure.

For those that don't know,  Baccano! Abridged! was an abridged series I produced from December 2012–July 2016. It was a parody of the anime Baccano!, a show with a large cast of characters in a series of short, interconnected stories all told out of chronological order. The central plot follows a series of gangsters who accidentally bootleg some immortality elixir, a young band of smugglers and a monster on a hijacked train, and a girl searching for her missing brother. It's one of my favorite anime and I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't seen it.

My abridged version of the show was one of the first things I ever put on YouTube. It stars myself, pLasterbrain, Tom Laflin, William T. Sopp, and Chula playing a cast of upwards of 50 characters. The series starts PRETTY terrible (as most things made by amateur YouTubers do) but I'm actually very proud of the later episodes. I learned how to voice act and edit almost exclusively through this series, so it means a lot to me! Part of the fun of watching it is seeing the improvement in the acting and editing work over four years.

The series was taken down off of YouTube last summer after some copyright strikes for using the Baccano! Soundtrack, and so the series was left unfinished. But it's here if you want to see it! 

Due to Baccano!'s out-of-order storytelling a lot of the episodes build on each other, so jumping in at random points might lead to confusion. Still, if you want to just stick your foot in the water at any random point I would suggest Episode 8 which is overall just really solid or Episode 9, which is the best editing I've ever done.

Episodes include

  • Episode 1-4 - Very Bad
  • Episode 5 - Pretty Bad
  • Episode 6 - Not the Worst
  • Episode 7 - Actually Pretty Okay! (Also the best stand-alone episode)
  • Episode 8 - The Best Episode
  • Episode 9 - Good

Episodes 1-3 and 5-8 are attached to this post. Episode 4  and Episode 9  are hosted elsewhere because their filesize is too big for Patreon. 

The outtakes for Episodes 1-5 are still up on YouTube. I will be uploading the outtakes and extra lines for Episodes 6-9 here in the coming days for all of our $5+ patrons! Episode 8 has more than ten minutes from the Isaac and Miria recordings alone, so there's a lot to look forward to!




Aw shit! I never got to see this. How exciting~


Hey! We also created anime parody videos, except for One Piece! I hope you check our Patreon page out. Good luck to yours!


This series was genuinely so formative for my sense of humor when I was younger. It also got me to actually watch Baccano which is a huge plus. Missed it so much so happy to see it’s up on here