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A fun little review of an indie horror fishing game called DREDGE! Featuring my lovely girlfriend Amy, who is here to use her lovely voice to help me talk about disgusting fish made of eyeballs.

For those who haven't seen DREDGE, I played some of the game on Stream on my secondary channel, which you can watch here. Unfortunately I wasn't having a very good time on these stream so it might just be best to check out the screenshots below! This is the fishing minigame on the left and the cargo hold on the right.

And here's the research part upgrade tree, which we take the piss out of in the back half of the review.




I've never heard of Pathologic before you guys mentioned it. Would be cool to see you do a review of it.


You could not pay me to play Pathologic, watch this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsNm2YLrk30


yeah, having played Dredge I do agree mostly. It's like, taking the hamburger metaphor, Dredge makes for a pretty good hamburger, except after you've taken a couple bites and reach for a fry you notice there's only like five of them, they seem to have forgotten the soda, and wow are they giving you a TON of sauce like way more than you really need. In that way Dredge has really a solid core of gameplay (the hamburger), where the fishing and boating around makes the game worthwhile pretty much all on its own, but especially when you get to the latter half of the game you'll start noticing there's very little left to do other than the main quest. the sidequests (fries) are pretty much finished by this point and yeah this is also when you will find yourself with more money (sauce) than you really know what to do with since this is also when you find yourself finishing your ship upgrades (soda) and kind of feeling like there just isn't enough to go the rest of the game without. In conclusion it's a game with a good hamburger at its core but it really needed more fries, could have done with someone figuring out how much sauce is really needed, and with how little soda you get it leaves you kind of parched trying to finish your meal.


You know, I'd be interested in seeing what you think of What Remains of Edith Finch. I'm not sure you'd enjoy it but I think there would be a lot of things to talk about in a review format.


Hey Jello, thanks for the review! If you want a real spooky sailing game, you have to play Sunless Sea. It's not as mechanically engaging, but it is magnificently written.