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Hey all! First off, I just wanted to thank everybody here for an absolutely incredible month of support in December during the book launch. It's the best my patreon has ever done by a huge margin, and I hope all of you who grabbed the PDF are enjoying some of the exclusive stuff you get on here!

I wanted to have 2/3 things done already for the new year to capitalize on all the new Patreons and make sure they had some good things to look at, but as per usual with January I'm extremely sick and have been so every day of 2023 so far. I actually kinda blacked out for three hours after the New Years Name That Tune stream.

Haha! Whoops!

Turns out I've got some kind of weird, annoying fatigue disease that just won't go away. It doesn't pair well with my chronic insomnia. I've been dead tired for a week straight, but unable to sleep. Because of that, I haven't been able to come out of the gate with stuff for the new Patrons, but IIIIIIII'm tryin~!

Just to keep you updated, here are some cool things that have been happening:

  • The molly bear hoodies have begun shipping out
  • I officially signed a contract with a publisher and we've started the process for getting the book edited, redesigned, and printed. Yay!
  • I finished two new visual demo reels for voice acting. They're not uploaded anywhere yet (because I keep passing out), but hey! That's something!
  • Aloha and I finally, finally, finally managed to monetize our VOD channel, which is replacing Twitch as the place we stream. Trust me, you have NO idea how much of a pain in the ass this has been. He uploads mirrors of our old streams there every Mon/Wed/Fri and we're currently very close to finishing our playthrough of Night in the Woods with Will, Yam, Oz, and Dani. The VOD channel is here if you haven't seen it yet. I'm hoping we'll finish next Friday, provided I'm not still dying. But I'll probably still be dying.

And here's a list of things I'll be doing for Patreon/YouTube when I'm NOT dying!

  • I need to update the Name That Tune masterpost so you can download the new set of 150 video game tracks I added. (download the songs here)
  • Do another batch of animated movie reviews. I've seen a few more movies since the last time, but I'm really in no shape to sit down and talk about anything for two hours right now. (listen to the previous batch here)
  • Edit down the first episode of Anime Campaign, the terrible TTRPG game Epithet is loosely based on. I will be releasing the first episode which is what the Redwood Run arc is based on and then probably take a break. I spent most of the day yesterday chopping it down (killing pauses, doing what I could to fix the horrible sound balancing issues to some degree, etc). That work took almost an entire day and I only have 2 hours of finished product, and that's maybe halfway. These things are AGGRESSIVELY long.

    The sad part is, a lot of fans have told me they want to see these episodes again specifically to get inspiration for their own Epithet-inspired campaigns. I'm going to add a disclaimer to the start telling them not to do that, the GMing is absolutely awful. I think I might even add tool tips over parts of the video wen hI think I make bad calls and explain why I should've done something else. I'll also add a little "Hey, here's what I could've done to make that combat good instead of bad, actually" after every fight. Because why would I ever NOT give myself more work, right?

    Please note that the edited AC episodes will be Patreon-exclusive, and only on the $15/mo Axolotl Friend tier. I waffled on this for awhile, but the qualification for something being in the Axolotl tier is "a long video exclusive to patrons that took several days of additional work", and that's absolutely what this is. Good lord. Kickstarter backers will also get a link since it's a stretch goal. I'll also be uploading all of the AC episodes and copyrighting them on YouTube's system, so if you have a friend who's been uploading mirrors of the original VODs (like we've explicitly asked not to do for three years), tell them to take them down now or their channel will be removed.
  • I'm planning to focus my efforts this year on YouTube and my voice acting career, both of which I had to completely leave on the backburner while working on the audiobook in 2022. The first YouTube video I'd like to release is the sequel to Dogs in Love. Initially we planned the release for that at the end of January... but I lost a week from being sick already and I am still not better at all. So. Probably not. :|

Okay I had to take four separate breaks while writing this post. I'm going to go back to bed. Byeeeee


The Ferret

Fatigue and insomnia is definitely a rough combo. hope you feel better soon!


Hope you feel better soon!


Will later episodes of AC be edited in the future (obviously not anytime soon due to spoilers, but when EE gets to those bits) for axolotls as well? Since all the old mirrors are going poof, not just the ones of the first two. Get well soon btw!


Hope it passes quickly!! Also! I just got my bear hoodie a week or two ago and it’s soooo warm!! It’s such good quality and I’m ecstatic about it 👍👍


please take all the time you need to get better!


Did you happen to get a tracking number with your hoodie order?


Yep I got two, one from Yanwen and then when it got to my state(I live in the US) I got one from USPS, there was a weird moment when I got an email telling me that I could pick it up at the post office but it got to me the next day so 🤷‍♀️


Regarding the ac episodes, will I still be able to watch all the episodes? Im binging the series right now (I fucking love it) and I want to know if I have to download the episodes I’m not caught up on.


Why not do a watch party and do live commentary? Not only is it content, but you cut down on editing.


You're telling me that you've been pushing out so much content, in spite of being physically nerfed by your own body? Dude your work ethic is fucking wild. I don't have near the same problems you got, and its all I can do to juggle work and school. All that to say, dont worry too hard about us, we just got a book man.

Alex Finch

Take care then! Can’t wait.


Got my Molly hoodie and I love it