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Hey all!

For those who didn't see the Twitter announcement, we will be hosting three "Name that Tune" streams to promote the Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic kickstarter! The streams will be hosted on my Twitch channel.

For those who saw our TeamSeas fundraiser streams, the rules will be much the same, only this time chat participation will be a little bit different!

I have procured 540 theme songs, 180 per night! All new ones by the way, no repeats from our previous streams, because I am a lunatic who refuses to half-ass anything. There are six categories: Cartoons, Anime, Live Action, Movies, Video Games, and Musicals. I will play a 20 second snippit of each tune for the players over Discord. Their job is to be the first to guess the song, whoever guesses it first gets points based on the song's difficulty and gets to choose the next category. Chat also gets to play! But this time, it's Player vs. Player vs. Chat! A total free for all!


SATURDAY the 11th at 6:30pm EST - Team Sad Babies

  • Dani Chambers, voice of Molly
  • Siv Ryan, voice of Trixie
  • Bryn Apprill, voice of Phoenica
  • Wyatt Baker, voice of Car Crash
  • Zack Maher, voice of Sylvie
  • Cyrus Rhodas, voice of Beefton and Dark Star
  • and, a surprise latecomer, Paul Guyet, voice of the Spelling Bee!

THURSDAY the 16th at 8:00pm EST - Team Wild Magic

  • Lindsay Sheppard, voice of Mera
  • Anthony Sardinha, voice of Indus
  • Ray Chase, voice of Rick
  • Oliver Tull, voice of Arnold
  • Jordan Dash Cruz, voice of The Bartender
  • Marissa Lenti, voice of Stink and Cat With Gun
  • and, a surprise latecomer, Tiana Camacho, voice of Lorelai!

SATURDAY the 18th at 6:00pm EST - Team Cowboys

  • Sandra Espinoza, voice of Percy
  • William T. Sopp, voice of Ramsey
  • Dawn M. Bennett, voice of Zora
  • Sarah Wiedenheft, voice of Yoomtah and The Chauffeur
  • Justice Washington, voice of Howie
  • Meg McClain, voice of Spike
  • and, a surprise latecomer, Caleb Yen, voice of Crusher and Flamethrower!

Be sure to come on down! The last time we ran a stream like this it was a ton of fun! See you there!

Any before anyone asks, the streams will be saved as VODs but they will not be uploaded to YouTube.




I watched the anime campaign finale live and seeing a project that you clearly have passion for go from side project to something you do professionally is so incredibly cool!


Woooo hooooo!!! I'll actually be able to tune in this time! Can't wait! Each stream is going to have such different vibes.


Hopefully this will give the kickstarter even more traction!


I’m super excited to see what’s next! I wonder if you’ll be re-making Soup 02 for Giovanni :>


Anyways, here's the LEADERBOARD according to CS1's stat tables for those who are too lazy to scroll around themself. Good job everybody! -Baby Jail- 17- Sarah [1] 16- Rhea [5] 15- Lindsay [6] -Bronze- 14-Oliver [11] 13- Tiana, Caleb, and Justice [13] 12- Sono and Wyatt [16] 11- Meg and Cyrus [18] 10- Jordan [19] -Silver- 9- Siv [20] 8- Ray and Anthony [21] 7- Paul [25] 6- Marissa [29] -Gold- 5- Paul, Sandra, Bryn, and Will [30] 4- Dani [36] 3- Dawn [38] -Platinum- 2- Zack [45] -(Prison of) Plastic- 1- Chat's Average (Unsurprisingly) [62] And here are the team rankings! 3- Team Wild Magic [209] 2- Team Cowboy [235] 1- Team Sad Babies [247]


it took me TWO MONTHS to realize i fORGOT OLIVER oh nOOOO....