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Hello all!

It's been nearly two years, but the Miles is on Fire + Miles is a Robot series is finally coming to a close. While I'm spending most of my time working on the Epithet Erased novel and Siv and I plan to do a So This is Basically Genshin Impact sometime in fall, I also like working on these goofy highlight reels of our Twitch playthroughs.

Now that Miles is wrapping up, we have a few options for a new series!

First up, the most direct continuation would be Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney which I played with Siv and occasional guest Dani Chambers (Molly in Epithet Erased, Dahlia Hawthorne in the Ace Attorney anime). This would likely be a single video or possibly a pair of videos entitled The Adventures of Tiny Layton as opposed to a case-by case series like our Investigations playthrough. Tiny Layton would focus more on our running jokes with the characters as opposed to Miles's focus on the gameplay issues. For the most part the gameplay is much better than Investigations The story is... uh. Well, Siv and I absolutely despise the climax of the mystery element of this game, but it's simply not possible to make fun of it without spending half an hour talking specifically about why it's so bad, so I think I'll choose to ignore that entirely.

Our second option is a highlight reel of our Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance + Radiant Dawn playthroughs. These videos feature myself, Yam, and Will as the main hosts with a number of cycling guests including Siv, Marissa, and Arim. Personally, I think these would absolutely make for the funniest final video as we had some dynamite running gags and genuinely great acting moments. This duology is also collectively my favorite game of all time, so I'd be happy to make this! ...The downside is that there is over 70 hours of footage, and that's quite a bit to cut down. That's two full weeks of work to watch the footage without editing, and even if I was being VERY conservative this would be a series of three videos at least. GOD they'd be funny though.

The third option and certainly the easiest of the three to edit down is our playthrough of Pokemon Colosseum! The video would be called something like Pokemon Colosseum - Terrorist Dogs, or whatever variation there of doesn't get me immediately demonetized. This playthrough features Yam as a player as well as myself, Will, Siv, and Marissa as guests. Colosseum is by FAR the shortest of the three options and would inarguably be the easiest to edit down. It was only a collective 20-something hours, most of that is skippable, and there's really no question about what to cut or keep because the footage is so samey and there's no plot I have to worry about including. It's just our jokes!

Keep in mind you are able to vote for all the options and I'm planning to get to all of these eventually. I might even hire out a second editor for them, but I'll be honest I kind of like having creative control of what does and doesn't get focus in these, haha.



Been a while since I voted in one of these. Can’t wait ^^

The Ferret

Gotta go for the terrorist dogs. They stole my heart. And then blew it up.


I am biased since not only do we both love the Tellius FE games, but I enjoyed your playthroughs of both games. The character acting and generally amusing moments in gameplay could mean quite a lengthy video though - like the games.


Given that you've been editing and posting a pretty long series, why not give yourself a bit of a breather and do the Pokémon episode before diving into another one?


"Are you simping for ASHNARD, KING OF DAEIN?" is one of the most iconic quotes of the century, and I'd be a fool to not want a compliation of that crazy slug man and his new protege, Tauroneo and his Stinko Jim.


Being on a huge fan of all 3 of these series makes it really hard to vote, but I think probably sticking with pokémon would be the easiest first option🤔 Also glad to know that fire emblem will hopefully be a series in the future. I need to get the rest of my friends to watch it so they understand the weird quotes I pull from that still😂


Terrorist Dogs FOR THE WIN! A more algorithm acceptable title could be "Pokemon Colosseum: Dogs of Terror!" Umby and Espy forever 💗🖤


I'm just waiting for an episode on bees.

Aqua Allison

I’m gonna vote for Fire Emblem, but I do truly want that other video of Professor Layton + Phoenix Wright further down the line, I loved that play through. I would also not be opposed to you going on some form of guest-appearing audio rant where you and Siv rage at the ending of that game, because I was also outright infuriated at the end of that game. Also god, Tauraneo in Fire Emblem.


I'd definitely go for fire emblem, and who says you can't release another episode of the other options in between that? They'd all be really funny anyway


Absolutely loved the FE playthrough. Shade always procs


The ancient language made me cackle like a fucking demon every time


the last level of path of radiant is pure gold


"THE FOREST IS WHISPERING!" *angry animal crossing noises* Yeah, I will wait as long as it takes for an FE series.


I NEED that Ashnard sauce in my veins and mouth once again


Crappy Archers theme song


I think instead of any of these options we should petition Capcom to make more Miles Edgeworth games. With the addendum that they tighten the gameplay without losing any of the hilarious stupid moments.


"Crafty Nesala" tricking Jello into attacking the wrong bird (outing Jello's bird-racism since he clearly thinks they all look the same) from PoR P6 (2:12:20ish) is my favourite moment from anything you've ever done... and I spent a while trying to edit that scene as if it was in a compilation, but with no experience and zero talent I never could get the scene to flow correctly while still letting the audience realize what happened. I do hope you choose to include that scene in your eventual video, and look forward to seeing how you decide to cut it down.


The path of Radiance/ Radiant Dawn readthrough has been the funniest thing Ive ever seen from you, and Ive constantly gone back to watch the end fight with Ashnard because it has been the hardest Ive laughed at a running joke in *years*. To have that and all the other goodness in a much more manageable video form would be amazing and Id put so many views on it.


Is the plan for doing the non-winning videos to do them in order of highest to least voted (that is, would fire emblem be the next video series after Layton if the current ranking holds steady)?


I hope so because I would love to see Jello make Fire Emblem funny.