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An in-depth look at how this show almost killed me. This episode covers the core production of the series starting from August through December, and is the final part of the series.

I also talk about the future of Epithet at the end!

PART 1 - "How Did I Even Pitch This?" 

PART 2 - "Casting and Voice Work" 




wow holy shit never put yourself through something like that again


So really I missed when you first talked about the book. I saw it on twitter and asked but I don't think you got it.. was anything said about it here?


Crying laughing at the nightmare hallway bit


Epithet Erased inspired me to start writing my own stuff! Thank you so much for doing these bts segments!


I will wait patiently for the audiobook.


Heres to a kickstarter with some stupid high 'animate it ALL' goal that gets reached :D

Winters King

you REALLY should test the waters for a kickstarter. order of the stick got well over a million dollars JUST for a reprint. even if you dont get that much, i think two hundred thousands should be a realistic goal. though addmitingly, you might have to wait until the pandemic is over, i dont know. but seriously, test the waters for your fans backing you. i would donate to that, and im sure quite a massive number of other people would too.


I like Premiere


In fairness I came to Premiere from Final Cut 7 and 10, and Avid Media Composer


I want to let you know those "madness emotes" in the captions made them very enjoyable and I appreciate it, because it really does convey how something is said!


Hell yeah, Bo and Speyer!


honestly they might be able to get a good result. if it's worth their time, (and running a kickstarter isn't easy)... it's not like they lose money if it fails. and intrest can get offers. might need a bit of a break before that though. things might move faster once it started


Well, please don't let making the upcoming light novel(s) take so much of a toll on you. Stay healthy!


I view kickstarters as a way of gauging fan interest; if a project gets funded, it means people want to see it. Not saying you need to do a kickstarter, but the advantage of kickstarters is you get to set your own hours. And if it doesn't get funded... you didn't lose much besides a little time. That being said, I'm also perfectly happy with audiobooks. Bottom line, I personally just want more Epithet content, and I think the voicework is a core part of that content, but the animation... not as needed. Regardless, stay healthy. P.S. Nuco webcomic still on hiatus? (is joke question)


OMG the con stories


Glad to hear you're enjoying the writing process. Kinda sad you're out from drawing, but more glad that this whole nightmare-difficulty experience didn't sour u on Epithet and just did so on the process. Seriously, how u still *be* after all that? Can't wait 4 the results! ....Also try being in your 30s you F***IN NOOB SCRUBLOR--aaahhh muh back


I had to go back and rewatch the pizza game trailer just because you mentioned it and I got nostalgic? For some reason?


I love the plot of this series. And will definitely do Kickstart.

Candaru Driemor

...I'm halfway through and I literally thought a guest came in out of nowhere. And I KNOW you're a VA. Dang.


GOD physical therapists are some of the only competent medical personell I've ever worked with. Between the doctors that misdiagnosed my leg injury twice and the ENT who did permanent damage to my left ear, not even mentioning the shit I've had to take from psychologists, I am with you 100%. Doctors fucking suck.


Would love to hear it as an audiobook. But I’ll totally read it when you’re done.


Bruh, you can at least count me in for a kickstarter for just about anything Epithet related. Money then work, vs. the other way around. That "net 30" stuff sounds awful


Can't wait to see the books when they come out.


I love this so much, can’t wait for the books