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I am SO excited to announce the Epithet Erased Halloween Cast Reunion panel happening TOMORROW as a part of Youmacon 2020's digital event!

The cast reunites to read ALL NEW EPITHET SCRIPTS live on Twitch, 1:30-300pm EST! https://twitch.tv/jello_apocalypse

We've got so many returning voice actors that I couldn't fit their names on the image! This panel will feature:

- Dani Chambers as Molly

- Kyle Igneczi as Giovanni

- Lindsay Sheppard as Mera

- Anthony Sardinha as Indus

- Zack Maher as Sylvie

- Cyrus Rodas as Dr. Beefton and Dark Star

- Emily Fajardo, co-director and most of the extras!

- Sandra Espinoza as Percy

- William T. Sopp as Ramsey

- Dawn M. Bennett as Zora

- Oliver Tull as Arnold

- Justice Washington as Howie

- Marissa Lenti as casting director and voice of STINK

...and introducing Sylvia Ryan as the voice of Trixie! (She also illustrates the So This is Basically videos!)

The panel will feature both live readings and a QnA session. We hope to see you all there tomorrow!




This sounds super cool! I hope the stream gets officially archived/uploaded somewhere. My internet is too much ass for me to properly stream things live, sadly


:D Yeah! I can't wait to see the panel! Hope we get some news on the book series and maybe any news on merchandise and greenlit seasons~! :3 I AM STOKED! :)