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So I was asked to make a StiB for specifically just Persona 5! I'm having some trouble with it and I hoped that talking about the game at length like I usually do with the other Open Thoughts posts would help.

Mmmm not really?




I missed these! Can't wait to listen! Edit: I enjoyed it! It's always fun listening to you talk about games and shows and stuff.


i feel so bad for what the english translation did to akechi's character

Ace The Caesar

This was a really interesting review/open thought video. I'll will say though that while Ryuji definitely fucks up a lot, he is easily my personal favorite of the phantom thieves. I always just like the plucky punk types, so I'm drawn to him naturally I guess.


I picked up P5 for PS3 since it was on sale. Enjoyable game, but I did have some gripes with it. Unlike P4, my first Persona game experience, P5 is on a strict time limit - it seems, so no freedom time endgame. At least it has a NG+. Characters are typical 2D archetypes but well-rounded as you build your relationship with them as their story unfolds(To an extent at least). I noticed that error that certain character made so the twist didn't really surprise me, if anything it was kind of..."standing on its two feet but isn't breaking ground"? I guess I'm too used to easily-missed twists when you spend your youth reading mystery/noir novels. I was most disappointed that the character didn't have a redemption arc and stayed alive. Main plot was meh too. Don't get me wrong, I like the theme the plot centering around rebelling against the mundane and the corrupt adults. The lack of a true post-endgame disappointed me. Still the game was enjoyable, and i'm glad I found it on sale.


I like Ryuji as a person but I hate him as a Phantom Thief. He's a walking liability. I honestly think it would've been more interesting to keep Ryuji as a side character who was only in focus during Kamoshida's arc.


I want to give a big ramble on my own thoughts on how P5 sizes up and some helpful ideas for riffing it, and I will probably do that, but short and sweet first. Here's some information that may help you riff this game: it hit crunch time HARD. Haru doesn't get an arc mostly because most of the other games put another playable month between the finale and the final character acquisition iirc and none of them are as ambitious as Persona 5 is in terms of eating up your first fucking week imo. They were originally intending to have Shogi Girl be a party member - which was also scrapped due to time constraints. Did you notice how you basically lose like 6 months to prison because of the game's pacing? Time crunch. Bonus if you notice that you still get certain events they definitely did in advance (such as Valentine's Day). That's the main reason the pacing is such garbage imo - they went in planning to write the goddamn Odyssey, then had to settle for a abridging it. The biggest problem here is that they thought they had all the time in the world, so they stretched certain parts out paper thin and then hastily postfixed them. This is also imo why none of the characters get much depth of relationship. Of course the fluff with character dynamics would be cut in a cutting room floor setting. It does leave a lot of the actual game interactions deeply unsatisfying though. The way they handled the palace twist with Akechi had me scratching my head not because it wasn't rad, but mainly because I was just over here like "wait, these people can communicate effectively enough to make a plan like this??? Could have fooled me" I mean they're basically Sly Cooper and Band of Thieves but without actually interesting character interactions tbh I think if the game had actually extended itself over the full year like I think was intended, it would be a far better experience. Albeit Futaba's palace is a great multi-level fakeout and allusion to Persona 4 and I love it a lot. I don't care they had to stretch really hard to make it work, it's SUCH GOOD LORE, MAN...


The game really does feel unfinished, doesn't it? Even as a JRPG player that tolerates a lot of bullshit, I'm not sure if Royal will even be enough. P5 seems to be a big story experiment but as you stated I'm sure are real reasons for the missing gaps and even character interactions such as Haru....just - why? P4's theme and world was dull as hell and the story was Scooby-Doo-levels of predictable but at least it respected your time despite its running Persona time limit shtick, allowing you to see relationships grow with the plot.


It's interesting, and I don't like him that much either. Ryuji helped the character dynamic a bit despite how much he fucks up(Which did not help Akechi's ambiguity - as you pointed out, stupidly obvious of how suspicious he is). Even though they're role-playing this super-clever band of thieves, they are still High Schoolers - they don't know shit, let alone themselves. I just didn't like how often Ryuji was the "Fall Guy" . Stupid and a liability he is, he stood out in his own way - just not story-wise(his whole personality and motivation is literally stated "He hates selfish adults"). In gameplay, it really sucks he has one of the most useful Confidant abilities at high rank.


Haru is probably my favorite party member, but not for any sensible reason, honestly she just left so little of an impression overall that I forgot if I had any reason to dislike her, but damn are both of her designs solid, and her phantom thief one in particular is just rad.

Anon E. moose

Jello: it costs money to re summon and you gotta catch them all and ugh it doesn't seem like fun Me: *has flashbacks of the strength arc*

Devin Hoffarth

Just wanna rectify: Shogi girl was not meant to be a party member. Early on there was a design for a party member who had a tactician mindset and a lot of that got transferred to Makoto. Hifumi was given the design of this scrapped party member but the character herself was always suppose to be a confidant and nothing more.


I hadn't heard that, but good to know? Given I could use this to cut into me hating how cheap the Mementos bits are to social links like... Oh man better go fix the heart of some dickbag in your life! Yaaaay. It's unsatisfying is what it is. Especially for Hifumi. Also it sounds like Royal may just be adding something on the level of Marie and not fixing the inherent pacing problems so I doubt it's going to be enough...


I agree her designs are solid. It's also a relief to see a female Phantom Thief not stuck with skin-tight suits. ...And they gave Haru jiggle physics just for using an item. Never change, Atlus.


Kinda weird that this STIB is only for one game when the other ones are about whole series, but considering how long every single game is I don't really blame you. As much as I like the Persona series and other Atlus RPGs, all of them have some big annoying drawback that draws me away from recommending them to some people. Persona 4 has a really enjoyable cast and atmosphere but is tone-deaf as hell and is borderline unfinished without playing the version on the console nobody owns, Persona 3 has a really compelling narrative but has garbage pacing and you can't even control your party members properly. Persona 2 has easily the best characters and story in the series but the gameplay is agonizingly boring. No winners.

Devin Hoffarth

Hot take but if you like Persona 4. Enjoy a mystery that's established and set up in the first hour. And then not actually tackled or having any real information about the culprit or what's going on until around hour 60.

Devin Hoffarth

(Should probably state I like P4 too. But people who act like it's the best in the series are- well they're wrong!)

Naoto Kamigire-Terumi

Boohehhehe. AS they say, you took the words right outta my mouth, fellow great brain. Fuck those closet main characters. And, boohaha, honestly. THe only Charaacter I like is Naoto Shirogane-san. The rest can all fuckin' die.

Naoto Kamigire-Terumi

VuV What's This. Jeelo VAntas?! A hot piece on Persona Five!? THe Return of The Persona Saga's Mind FUCKS!! How, vundavul! And here I thought you we're lookin' for opinions. Well, I'm a ex-occultist (left because the mentality/atitude bored me), and ex-wiccan. (left because I *Was* *dissasifitied* with the voices who call themselves Goddesses, Gods and SPirits!) I still have memories of Shadow Work and dabblin' into the darker, dangerous parts of para-pyschology. Tulpa, Shadow Selves. Emotional Pain, Emotion Repression, The Laws Of Power, The Princapals, The LAws Of Human Nature, and the final two were Witchcraft and a mental hosptial visit. All of this relates to the New Age Movement and Persona 3 and Persona 5. -If Persona Tres' the Persona with that Blue Haired Bloke and the Suicide Metal, Persona Activation Trigger. As I've left the metaphysical fifth to eight dimensional Academy I I found these Distractions to trap me back into The Eleventh And Witching HOur. I in a bipolar fashion feel disdain for Persona three and Lovelorn for Persona 5. I felt that the dark comedical parody in the Fifth Persona was the only way I could understand what A Dark Night Of THe Soul and Egocide is! I, honestly only *sympathize* with Master Futaba and My broski Yosuke, Ann-Senpai, and my husbando Mona. PErsona Five's Gothic, mental illness in Truth, -oh and Goro Akechi-sensei-Persona Five is bloody hideous and as a member of The Metal Family I am turnt on and turnt down by this ugliness in the esoteric Hive Mind coined as "The Collective Unconscious/THe Infinite Light\\UNconditional Love". I may be a man, I may be a woman. I'm not bloody certain. My Olanzapine helps and so does my alternative Gamma Waves while roleplayin'. I know Persona Five isn't a breath of Fresh Air, it's a Easteren Element. Persona Five, is Poision, and I don't lovenor distaste the taste of the PHantom Heart Crooks. I. Am. A bandit to them. I will steal The PhantomHeart Crooks Hearts, and break the hearts of their enemies. As the Antagonist's Roleplayer, as a Ex-Mage, as a Metalhead. As a Gothic-Prep. I owe the Tatarigami, no he's much deeper than that! He's a Yokai! How I resonate with PersonaFive and Three is as a Shadow. Just like theShadowPeople Of Folklore (`Wearenot a urban legend`). If I ever had to shut down,repress, reserve, fear, pray. I would be a Persona of Temperence Upright. Pageof Pentacles reversed. Eight of CUps, reversed!! Ace of CArds.... ^ This is my opinion on Epithat Erased, The Ace? It's a Heart upright hastag cartomancy. As for PersonaFour? I only knowabout it like I know about Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, via word of mouth. And I'll keep it that way. As for Blazblue? Temperence Reversed. Eight of Pentacles Upright. FiveofHeartsUpright. EightofclubsReversed!! Blazblue's that's a headache medication won't fix. Nor with Mental Health MEtal. What'll fix my opinion on Blazblue is theSet TOStun song Bangarang. As for RWBY. XD ROLF! I'll stick to people *man* and *woman* enough to handle TALKING ABOUT THE BLOODY MENTAL DISORDERSAND TRUAMA BONDS, that they have their OCs inherit. RwBy is less than child's play. It's a paidsubscription to a Casual Roleplay (hear: Casual Yuri, need males?) Stay poppunk, Solo Fam! I've got to Stargaze and astral Project. He could become my replacement for my Twin Flame. Whoever my Twin Flame is,Two Fires will only burn down the whole bloody planet.


Pretty sure if I chant this out loud I’ll summon a demon in my room

Naoto Kamigire-Terumi

@The Beans I'm Looking For At 2Am It won't be biblical, I'm no Hazbin Hotel fan. @Inky. I'm your 8th like goodnight. @Devin Hoffarth Awh, I'm sure I kept my voice at a mellow and calm level. This does feel indoorey.