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This is a bit of an aesthetic spoiler for Epithet Erased, so if you want to go into the show totally blind, maybe skip this post!

So! As you probably know by this point, our new show Epithet Erased has a boppin', jazzy, electro-swing ending theme called Great at Crime. It's sung by the Banzai Blasters, who are a bunch of garbage teenage bad guys who aren't good at anything, but they think they're great at crime, and they like to sing about it!

Starting in Episode 5 onwards though, something changes...

For those who don't know, the cast and setting of the show dramatically changes in the latter half of the season and we find ourselves in a western-style town known as Redwood Run. Things are still mostly fun and games, but one of the protagonists, Ramsey, is now being hunted down by Zora Salazar, a very real, very dangerous bounty hunter and actual murderer.

Zora issues a warning at the start of episode 5, and spends and episode and a half creeping on the sidelines as the clock ticks down for Ramsey. She's mostly absent until the finale, but at the end of EP5, instead of the usual plucky GREAT AT CRIME theme... this plays.

I'm very, very happy with how this came out. My hope with this song is that the tone shift from LOL WE'RE BAD GUYS to watch out I'm coming to murder you will make Zora feel really scary!


VOCALS - Dawn M. Bennett (Zora's VA! Damn can she sing!)
INSTRUMENTAL - pLasterbrain
MASTERING - Cassie Ewulu



At the stroke of sundown
There's a shadow in the wood
Not sure what she's up to,
But you know it ain't no good!

She's a demon, she's a devil
She's a rough-and-tumble rebel
Yeah, she's far beyond your level
And she's watchin' you...


In the gloamy orange light
You won't live to see the night

In the woods you hear a whisper
Could it be the phantom drifter?
There's a chance you went and missed her
Just don't turn around!

In a flash she's there behind you
Out of sight and out of mind
And now no one will ever find you
Buried six feet down...




I adore stuff like this. A show's ED/OP changing to symbolize a tone shift in a cool way is honestly one of the tropes that get me every time.


Whoa. She's good. I'm digging the western feel of this new version.


Epithet Erased is quickly going from "a show I'm really going to enjoy" to an easy contender for the best thing I've seen all year. You're ending this decade on one hell of a bang, my dude.


I knew I was gonna be all about Zora before but ya done did it now Jello. God I'm so excited for this show.


I'm so in love with this.


*simps more*