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Epithet Erased is premiering on VRV this Friday, so I'm uploading new cast voice previews once a day every day! ...Except today, which I missed the deadline for by about an hour! Ideally I would've grabbed these lines when they were mastered, but they're not! Sorry about that!

Here we have Bugsy (VA: Heath Morrow) and Arnold (VA: Oliver Tull), two higher-ups in the organization Giovanni belongs to, the villainous BANZAI BLASTERS! They're the rank above Captain, which of course makes them Vice-Principles.

Can you guess what their epithets are based on the hints in this preview? Throw your guesses in the comments! Anime Campaign veterans do not interact.

Frankly Oliver and Heath did a better job than these characters even deserved. They're SO much better in practice than they were on paper.




Holy crap their voices are perfect. Lol


I had a feeling someone was going to have a food related epithet. No clue what the actual word is though, but I'll think on it. I have been consistently impressed with everyone's voices so far, and these two were no exception! Their villiany was appropriately cartoonish. 😄


Is Arnold’s “coupon”? I’ll say Bugsy’s either “Potluck” or “Shmorgishbord”. I hope it’s shmorgishbord it’s a great word.


This characters sound really fun! There's just something about characters that people can go all out and have fun with their roles.