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Another preview for Epithet: Erased! It's the leader of the nefarious Banzai Blasters, Giovanni Potage!!!

Giovanni is the best character in the show. This is a fact.

He's given life by the amazing Kyle Igneczi who is one of the absolute best actors I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Typical VA sessions go 4 hours maximum in order to avoid wearing out the actor's voice (and most sessions don't ever go that long in the first place). We were running behind because Giovanni has the most lines in the series, and we only had two hours left to record 3 entire episodes. I asked Kyle if he thought he could do it, and he said yes.

We somehow managed to whiz through three entire episodes, bringing it LITERALLY DOWN TO THE LAST MINUTE. He worked up such a sweat in the booth that the glass was completely fogged up. I literally could not see him. When he came out it looked like a sauna.

He absolutely nailed it.

I'm surprised Kyle isn't already a hugely famous VA and my secret hope is that this ends up being one of his first big roles that he gets well-known for because I want him to do well.

More on this project later!



Typical Novice

I cant wait to see what Giovanni does this time XD


And you said his Epithet is Soup?


I've been following Kyle ever since I saw he was cast as Battler for Umineko Gold (which is a project that hopefully comes to fruition at some point, since that's definitely a role that would put him on the map). He definitely deserves way more recognition for his talent.


Damn, you weren't lying when you said this guy was good. I hope we get to see him do the classic "Gi-O-Van-Ni" chant.

The Ferret

He sounds incredible. Here'es to Kyle's rising star and Giovanni's lunatic plans.


Oh, he's fantastic, Jello! All those hours in the booth definitely paid off. Seriously can't wait for Epithet: Erased!


Nice. I can't believe this is the guy who did Honey from Nanbaka. I love that show and the voice cast. This sounds like its going to be a silly, funny, entertaining show that doesn't take itself seriously.