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I've been pretty quiet on here lately, and there's a reason for that! I've got a couple announcements, but first I just wanted to welcome and thank all of our new Patrons! We recently got a HUGE influx of patronage from the Price is Right and RWBY videos, and we've more than doubled our patronage in the last two months? I'm not sure what the trigger for that is, but I'll try not to disappoint anyone! Thank you very much!

Okay, so, small announcements first!

We have two videos coming up for the channel. The first is a Pokemon video about game design coming out this Friday (I hope!). It's kind of a non-standard video for the channel and it's pretty long! Currently looking to be about 35 minutes? I guess you could call it a video essay. It's a pitch for a hypothetical Pokemon game with custom art and editing! This is the first video I've ever passed off to a secondary editor, so I'm excited to see how it comes out!

The other video is So This is Basically Sonic The Hedgehog with art by Siv (RWBY, Kingdom Hearts, JoJo, etc). I'll be releasing that video on August 30th after I premiere it at San Japan in San Antonio, TX!

Oh yeah, I'll be at San Japan in San Antonio, TX as a full-on guest with a bunch of panels and signings! Come on down!


The big announcement!

You might've seen me advertise a streaming service called VRV in some of my videos. They're owned by the same people who run Crunchyroll and they're a pretty cool service! Over the past year I've been pitching a show with them, and as of this May they agreed to fund it! So I'm officially producing a show with them!

You might've seen me posting job listings and artwork for a show called Sugar Cookie Jazz. That's not the show's actual name, but it IS the same project! (I have to keep it semi-private for contract reasons, but I'll be able to reveal a little more once I have some of the finished audio.) Here's some portraits of the main character, Molly!

Sugar Cookie Jazz has full, professional VA work as well as custom art assets and character designs! It's like... a real thing! Which is very cool! But it also means I'm going to be EXTREMELY busy over the next few months. I'm basically up to my ears in business emails and project management every single day since I'm the sole manager.

I'm excited to share more about this show as it comes out! I'll be previewing character audio and designs here as they become available! ...HYPOTHETICALLY this show will be coming out on VRV on September 16th, and then on YouTube two weeks later, with new episodes releasing every week. There are 7 episodes this season!

I'll leave you guys with some new character designs hot off the press for "Sylvie" and "Dr. Beefton"!



Congrats my dude. You’ve earned it all!

Ace The Caesar

damn, these designs look really good. im looking forwrd to seeing what comes of it


Congrats Jello! I loved Anime Campaign and I think Molly and Sylvie's redesigns both look great! I can't wait to see which characters return about how they've changed.


Congratulations, I’m looking forward to your show!


Another dream departs the pipe. I have no words... But I've got hype.


I'm very interested to see the Pokémon game design video. Ever since the controversy behind Sword and Shield started, I started wondering what exactly the "ideal Pokémon game" would look like. I'm also stoked for Sugar Cookie Jazz [working title].

The Ferret

That is awesome dude, congrats! I think VRV is still America exclusive so I shall eagerly await youtube releases.


So amazing, and congratulations . Sad thou that VRV has region lock and as I live in northern Europe I can't use it. But maybe some day the region lock will go away :)


Congratulations on the show becoming a reality Jello!!! The designs look lovely and the style is so gooood I love em (Dr. Beefton is Incredible). I’m a little late to the party, but the “Let’s Make A Pokemon Game” video was great! Piph (sp?) did a great job as primary editor, and it inspired a bunch of really fun comments and trains of thought! I dunno if it would be feasible or not, but it might make for an interesting new series? But if not it was still a lot of fun! Hope you have a nice day!


Quick inquiry Jello, when are we getting that video essay or ramblings of why Fred is the best character of Scooby-Doo? I keep looking at him and noticing a certain quality about him I actually can't put into words myself.