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Oh boy literally how do I organize this




you... you actually were doing the Ruby voice. Your range dude. If you ever joined voice acting you would be like the guy from futurama. Your nearly the whole damn cast.


Time to boot up my Nintendo Switch. I love listening to these while playing Minecraft.


RWBY’s main problem is that it’s a big explorative world with interesting histories, characters, magic, and everything needed to make a great story. But lacks the time needed to explore and bring to light these ideas. The episodes and seasons are too short to actively tell the scope of story it wants to tell.

Samuel Albert Mell

Why can't powers just be called powers? Why they gotta have a special word like Semblance or Quirk? Are "Power" and "Ability" not good enough words for ya, anime writers? Yes this is what I choose to latch onto out of everything wrong with the show :V


It's like the modern trend in zombie stories of never calling them zombies.


RWBY is an awful hot mess but I still kind of love it so


Please talk more abut your throbbing Tellius-boner. We need it.


What the hell why is your impression of Ruby's voice so good, I'm legit shaking right now.


Update: I had only heard the first line he did in her voice when I said this, but just because the other lines he did later weren't as spot-on, that doesn't make them any less glorious.


i love how oscar has the potential to LITERALLY be the most interesting character in the show, he has the most interesting conflict, one of the more likable personalities, and the nicest overall starting point for a major character, and they reduce him to a side character at best. justice for my boy oscar pine


No boys allowed in the main character club. But for real, as much as I agree with you, Jello made a decent point about anime girls being a better marketing tool than guys. It's a bummer, but that's how it is.


one thing to note: at least the soundtrack is consistently stellar


I guess I know were moot came from with Adam's voice.


around 17:30 when you said "he's a bad guy..." all I could think of was the proZD Marvel movie villains skit.


I've never watched RWBY but I know what it looks like. This was entertainging, thou little hard to follow with all thecharacters nut that is on me cause like I said I have never watched the show. Nevertheless this was imteresting :)


At least now the characters actually have running animation. In V1 you would sometimes see everyone running and their legs were moving, but they looked like they're sliding. It's hilarious; y'know what I mean? Was--was that cohesive?


I hope we get addendums. These are always so interesting to listen to.


Listening to this so far right now. Not too many points I don't overwhelmingly disagree on! But bro, Oscar? Yawnworthy man, I dunno about that kid, man, he ain't really giving me much being here.


Wow, I combined seasons 4 and 5 in my head. Why would you stretch that out so much?


“Ah, crap! Is this actually cool? And the answer is no!” I can’t help but laugh whenever so hear this.


Huh, y'know I only got thru s1, maybe one day I'll take the time to seeWELP, BULLET DODGED.


as of now this show still takes ideas and drops it for the next idea without giving it a satisfying conclusion.