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This video is officially going up tomorrow, but you guys get to see it now!

This weekend, October 27-29th, Tom Laflin is hosting the TOMB OF HORSES!!! A sendup of the old, terrible, meatgrinder kill-all-your-players dungeons from the early days of DnD. It's a totally original module with artwork by Siv!

Three teams will race through the Tomb, one each night, trying to get the furthest, explore the most, and die the least! There are save and load states, but using them costs you points!

I will be playing as THE KEEPER OF THE HORSES! While I'm not an official player, you can control me live through the Twitch chat on www.twitch.tv/warpedlamp! Type me suggestions and watch this STUPID CHARACTER I'M PLAYING walk into traps and die probably at least twice per run.

Details in the video. The game starts every night at 2pm EST, 5pm PAC.

Hope to see you guys there!


On an unrelated note, originally I wanted to get a Scooby Doo video out this month. That won't be happening, I'm afraid. I pretty much worked every single day this stupid month and barely had time to do the 4 or 5 other projects I was involved with. Maybe some time in the future!


Tomb of Horses!

Readers beware, you're in for a MARE!



oh this is some top-tier ChatHorse mechanic being played


First of all, "I barely got to work on those other 4 or 5 projects I was involved with." I couldn't even get through Inktober, I envy your productivity. Secondly this looks amazing and hilarious, I'll make room in my schedule ;0

Dara McMahon

I love the idea, but have to wonder at the wisdom of encouraging between 90 and 300+ people to shout at you to do things. Human assisted Twitch-plays-Roll20 sounds like it would be hell.