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Hey all, thanks for your continued support! The previous poll results are in: the September/October StiB will be STAR VS. THE FORCES OF EVIL! I'm really excited for this one because it's a show that I enjoy but it has a LOT of flaws, so it should make for an easy script to write! TJ, the artist from StiB Zelda, will be back on board to illustrate this one.

Anyways, please cast your vote below for the video you'd like to see us make following the Star  video. Only one vote per person, so pick your favorite! You can change your vote at any time.

If there's something you'd like to see that isn't an option, please comment below! If there's enough interest I may throw it on next month's poll!



I dunno, I think it might be neat to see a StiB Ben 10? There be many reboots, flaws, and especially flawed reboots.

Dara McMahon

If I keep voting for Toon Town, it'll win someday, right?


ok ko should be added sometime after they finish a season or two, it's a pretty cool show!