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For those of you that didn't see our 1 Million Subscriber special, my sister and I commentated over the oldest known animation we ever made. It was about Club Penguin. It was made 11+ years ago. It is super terrible, and the original video can be found attached to this post.

The joke was that we commentated over it multiple times, on loop, as though it was an amazing work of cinema, pointing out its flaws as though they were artistic choices instead of amateur mistakes.

The final cut of the video only ended up being about 10 minutes long, but we actually recorded a lot more commentary than that! The whole, uncut thing (above) is about 26 minutes of our improvised reactions. If you're interested in hearing all the stuff that got left on the cutting room floor, you can download the video, Club Penguin Sled Racing, put it on loop, and listen along with our commentary. 

You can sync it up the commentary to the video by listening to the first "Oh Noooooo...." that bleeds into our audio around 2:44 with the "Oh Noooooo..." of the penguin in the actual video. 

Hopefully you find this entertaining, or at least interesting as an example of how much editing actually goes into making even a stupid video like this.



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