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Hey all, thanks for your continued support! The previous poll results are in: the August StiB will be RICK AND MORTY! Woo! Guess I'd better rewatch that show to refresh my memory.

StiB The Legend of Zelda is scheduled to come out either this Friday (21st) or next (28th). TJ is a crazy person and is desperately trying to finish it ASAP, so we might get lucky with an early release! Or we might not! ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

Anyways, please cast your vote below for the video you'd like to see us make in September! As always I will be voting for Star in the hopes that one day I will be able to make that video. (Looks out the window longingly, puts hand up to the glass) Someday.

If you are a $10+ Patron, please cast your vote here:


Jennifer Miller

Out of these, Star, but did something happen with Samurai Jack?


I always knew that Samurai Jack would be a REAL hard StiB to write. I gave it three chances when Season 5 was released because the video's relevance would be enough to outweigh the writing/illustration difficulty, but I think we've reached a point of diminishing returns on that, so it's off the poll now.


Disappointed that Ace Attorney is no longer a candidate.


AA will absolutely return as a candidate in the future (probably next month), but I wanted to have less options since I think the vote was being split a LITTLE too much. It's nice for me to be able to see who the likely winner will be as early as possible so I can start preparing material.

The Ferret

Just for your longing desires, I'm voting Star. That and it does seem like a pretty neat show.

Jennifer Miller

I don't want to seem the prissy, complaining sort, but I feel that should have been more thorougjly explained. Had I known Samurai Jack had a shelf life, I would have voted for it instead of Rick and Morty. I only voted that because the szechuan memes were still popular.


Voting for Star purely because it's what you want. Follow your dreams