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This poll is for $10/mo tier patrons! Your votes will have x10 weight in the final tally! 

Hey all, thanks for your continued support! The May Poll results are in: the next StiB after Danny Phantom will be The Legend of Zelda! Now that we have some cash saved up from all your generous support I can finally hire an animator to draw that video! Hooray!

While I finish up StiB Danny Phantom (I'm aiming for the 16th for a release date) and writing the Zelda video,  please vote for the StiB you'd like to see the most from the following choices!  This poll will close sometime around the end of June once I finish storyboarding for the Zelda video.


Dara McMahon

Choosing between Digimon and Toontown was the hardest decision I've had all year.


Digimon thoooooogh like i would shit a brick from laughin at that. I can tell already.