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Hey there! As of today, ALL Patreons can vote on what video we pick next!

This month I will be working on your previous selection, StiB Danny Phantom! While I do that please vote for the StiB you'd like to see the most from the following choices! 

Because I'm working solo on this while managing all my other projects I can't guarantee that I'll be able to finish it in April, so this current poll isn't the "May Poll", it's just the "Next StiB" Poll! As such, the voting period will be longer for this one.  Ideally StiB Danny Phantom will be done around the first week of June. 

(If you are a +$10/month donor, please cast your vote in THIS poll:
https://www.patreon.com/posts/8687042  )


Jennifer Miller

For some reason, I thought you had already made STIB of Rick and Morty. Mendala effect?


In the future I would love to see Final Fantasy as an option


I'm having trouble interpreting the wording here, is the link that brings you to a 404 supposed to be a separate poll, or is it just how posting a poll in patreon is outputted?