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UPDATE: The book club is getting pushed back a week! Aloha's having some health trouble with his eyes so reading isn't feasible for him at the moment. We'll see you guys on the 18th!

The next book club session is on Saturday, May 11th at 4pm EST, 1pm PST. This time we're covering up through the end of the Ruby and Sapphire arc, which should be another eight volumes up through the end of volume 22.

We spent a good portion of the previous meeting talking about adaptation and availability of the series online. We're about one more sitting from entering Dangerous Territory(tm) where the scans may start rapidly changing publisher and consistent reading experiences will be harder to find.

According to """the law""" raising the black flag is very bad. So you definitely wouldn't want to go to MangaSee123  to read the most comprehensive set of scans in the series I could find. But as always, be sure you have good ad blockers like UBlock Origin installed before you go looking on manga scan websites.

You should really have things like UBlock installed anyways.

See you on the 11th!


Jello's Pokemon Adventure Book Club! Volumes 15-22 (Patreon Stream)

If you are seeing this you are on the patreon! THANKS! Jello's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jelloapocalypse Aloha does other stuff on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Stabbyness



Thank you for going through the effort of finding exactly which website we should not use to read this manga.


I'ma be honest, going into this blind, I was NOT expecting Brendan/Sapphire to be the Coordinator and May/Ruby to be a crazed feral child taking on the league, but I am 100% here for it. This shit is wild.


Oh jeeze, hope everything works out for Aloha! Vision problems suuuuck.


oh no I hope aloha gets well soon, take all the time you need!!